Propaganda in Nazi Germany
The Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda This ministry was set up as soon as the Nazis came to power It was led by Joseph Goebells Hitler and the Nazis image was carefully controlled to maintain their popularity
Radio The Nazis controlled all radio stations Cheap radios were produced more Germans owned radios in the 1930s than Americans Loudspeakers were placed in the streets, in factories, and cafes
Films All film plots had to be approved by Goebbels All films had to show Nazis in a good way and their enemies in a bad way. Propaganda films were shown before the feature film. People began to go to the cinema later.
Posters / Photographs Hitler’s image was carefully manufactured to show him as a brave leader, hard worker and kind man who liked children and animals. Although Hitler wore glasses he was never shown wearing them. The Nazis used a range of posters to convey their image
Newspapers Goebells told the newspapers what they could print “ in the next issue of your paper there will be a main article about a decision made by Hitler. No matter what his decision is, you will write that it is the only correct one for Germany.” News papers which did not follow these rules were closed down The Nazis had their own newspaper the Volkischer Beobachter Newspaper sales went down.
Books, Art, Music Writers were forced to write books and plays that praised Hitler and the Nazis. Books written by Jews communists or anti Nazi journalists were banned. In Berlin in 1933 students burned 20,000 books in a public bonfire. It has been said where one begins by burning books one ends up by burning people Jazz music was banned because it was associated with black Americans
Rallies Spectacular parades called mass rallies were held every year to celebrate Hitler’s greatness. Special arenas were built that could hold half a million people. Bands, choirs, firework displays and air shows were all designed to show how impressive the Nazis were.