Nazis; who they were and how they came to power By: Ryan Ayala
Thesis Statement The Nazis were rapidly popular and powerful throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s.
Germany’s Economic Depression 1930’s economic depression Government was weak Weimer Republic Rising of Hitler
Nazi Dictatorship Reichstag Fire Decree Increased police and SS authority Adolf becomes both Reich Chancellor and Fuehrer 1934
Nazi Beliefs Hitler’s belief of his “master race” Jews; the “poisoned race” Limited Reproduction of Jews, Gypsies and, mentally ill The Nazi Bible; Mein Kampf
Additional Info. Nazi Propaganda
Conclusion 1930’s economic depression Hitler’s Reign “Master race” Chancellor and Fuhrer Mein Kampf
Works Consulted Damon, Duane. Mein Kampf. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, Print. Rice Jr., Earle. The Third Reich : Demise of the Nazi Dream. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books Inc., Print. Rupp, Richard E. "Nazism." World Book Advanced. World Book, Web. 11 Mar United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Germany: Establishment of the Nazi Dictatorship” Holocaust Encyclopedia. Accessed on March 7, 2013