Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Brownfield Navigator (BFN) Make the transition: The Regulation Checklist
Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Make the transition: Regulation checklist The Regulation checklist contains EU regulations that may influence your brownfield regeneration process. It is possible to add regulations (e.g. local and national). Clicking the link opens the checklist in a new window
Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Checking the Regulation checklist The regulations are divided in Environmental sustainability, Economic feasibility, and Social participation. You can find the following information: quote (= incentive/barrier), reference (=source of quote), remarks (= how to interpret the quote). You can mark which EU regulations play a role at your site, by clicking on the checkmark.
Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Adding and saving regulations It is possible to add regulations that play a role at your site by clicking on the “+ button”. Once a line is added, you can fill in the incentive/barrier (quote), reference and additional remarks. You can delete lines by clicking on the red cross. After editing, click on the save button. When re-opening the checklist the saved information is shown.
Co-funded by the European Union´s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No Close the regulation checklist Closing the tool can be done by closing the window or tab in which it was opened The BFN is still open in another window or tab