I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 1 Module 4: CSS in Corridor and Sub-area Planning
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 2 Module 4: CSS in Corridor and Sub-area Planning By the end of this module you will be able to: Identify how CSS applies to sub-area and corridor planning
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 3 Module 4: CSS in Corridor and Sub-area Planning Lesson 1: What is Corridor and Sub area planning? Lesson 2: How you can integrate CSS and Livability at the corridor and sub area level? Lesson 3: What policies should be considered? Lesson 4: What is the link to project development? Lesson 5: What is an example of integrating CSS into corridor planning?
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 4 What is CSS Corridor and Sub Area Planning? Focus on: –Project understanding and definition of project objectives, alternatives, and next steps Measure: –Project-specific values and objectives Integrate CSS to: –Define and evaluate the best alternatives given the project- specific context CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 2.4
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 5 What is Corridor and Sub-area Planning? Develops Information to: Establish the project purpose and need Determine the range of alternatives Identify the issues that will define the project’s environmental evaluation and approval framework Support preliminary screening of alternatives Conduct high level alignment and engineering analysis and conceptual cost estimating CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.1
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 6 How You Can Integrate CSS at the Corridor and Sub-area Level? Transportation’s Role – Functional Classification Project’s role in the larger transportation network Consider multi modal issues The solutions will come from careful definition of corridor characteristics, functions, and a future vision CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.2
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 7 How You Can Integrate CSS and Livability at the Corridor and Sub-area Level? Project Vision – Purpose and Need Separating problems from solutions Foundation for development of alternatives and evaluation process Specific to project context Stakeholder based CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.2
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 8 How you Can Integrate CSS and Livability at the Corridor and Sub-area Level? Project Location – Defining the Study Area Define and refine study area boundaries Evaluate relevant travel behavior Engage relevant agencies, organizations and stakeholders CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.2
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 9 How You Can Integrate CSS and Livability at the Corridor and Sub-area Level? Introduce environmental constraints into the planning process as early as possible Identify “at risk” resources Identify key habitat areas or species of significance Recognize that tradeoffs will eventually arise Strategize for the mitigation of construction impacts Lay foundation for project-level planning CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.2 Environmental Resources are Often the Basis for Project Evaluation Criteria
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 10 How You Can Integrate CSS and Livability at the Corridor and Sub-area Level? Agreeing on Project Criteria and Structuring Alternatives Early and continuous involvement of project stakeholders Tradeoffs in different solution sets Assist stakeholders in working through data CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.2
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 11 What Policies Should be Considered at the Corridor Level? Land use Access management Parking Utilities Roadway pricing/tolling Amenities CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.3
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 12 What is the Link to Project Development? Use CSS to minimize the need to “go back” and revisit decisions Work with stakeholders to develop project specific values and objectives Track commitments made to stakeholders and the public CSS Integration Guide, Chapter 8.4
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 13 Exercise 2: Project Planning and Project Development Purpose: For participants to develop an approach to the corridor planning process according to CSS principles. Directions: Develop a group response to the questions below. 1.How is CSS implemented in Planning at the Corridor/Project Level in AR? 2.How can Corridor/Project Level CSS implementation be improved in the Planning Process?
I n t e g r a t I n g C S S Practitioner Module 4 14 Knowledge Check Corridor and Sub-Area Planning Name some key study elements or activities in corridor and sub-area planning? How does integrating CSS in corridor and sub-area planning impact decisions? What challenges does the organization face when integrating CSS in the corridor and sub-area planning? How does the CSS design process link to project development?