ABSTRACT: The embedded web server technology is the combination of embedded device and Internet technology, which provides a flexible remote device monitoring and management function based on Internet browser and it has become an advanced development trend of embedded technology.
Introduction to Embedded System: System : A system is away of working, organizing or doing one (or) many tasks according to a fixed plan, program, (or)set of rules Embedded system: An embeeded system is a system that has embedded software and Computer hardware, which makes it a system dedicated for an application (or) specific part of an application or production or product or a part of a large system.
INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED WEBSERVER : The Embedded Web server is a practical approach of the implementation of TCP/IP protocols on a microcontroller. By implementing TCP/IP stack on a microcontroller, we can control and monitor device states through a web page.
The function of web server is to server web pages. The actual web page is loaded in to a standard web browser. The system should be always connected over Ethernet/LAN. The webpage is accessed by giving IP address provided to the Embedded Web Server.
FUNCTIONALDESCRIPTION: The microcontroller board is interfaced to a 10Base T Ethernet network. This is so user at a pc can connect to the ATMEGA 32 microcontroller using a web browser and receive a web page with data from the microcontroller. The main input and output of this project are the Ethernet line to the rest of the network signals from the Ethernet network.
It will then convert these pulses for the Ethernet Transreceiver. The Ethernet Transreceiver then convert these pulses to packets and then sends to microcontroller for decoding.The microcontroller will decode these packets,process them and then sends a response.The response will then go back the same way,trough the Ethernet Transreceiver and 10Base T Transformer,to the Ethernet network, and finally to the user.
POWER SUPPLY: Transf ormer Rectifi er Filter Regula tor i/p 230v 5v Now the aim is to design the power supply section which converts 230V AC in to 5V DC. Since 230V AC is too high to reduce it to directly 5V DC, therefore we need a step- down transformer that reduces the line voltage to certain voltage that will help us to convert it in to a 5V DC.
Transformer: A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors. A varying current in the first or primary winding, creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformers core, and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary winding.
Classification of transformer: Step-up transformer. Step- Down transformer. Step Down Transformer: These are designed to reduce electrical voltage. Their primary voltage is greater than their secondary voltage. This kind of transformer “steps down the voltage” applied to it.
The output of the transformer is 9V AC; it feed to rectifier. Rectifier: The purpose of a rectifier is to convert an Ac waveform into a DC (or) it converts Ac Current or voltage into Dc current or voltage. Capacitor filter: Filter circuits are used to remove unwanted frequencies from a signal Voltage regulator : a voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level.
Component Description: MicrocontrollerATMEGA 32: Micro controller is a microprocessor designed specifically for application and is equipped with, ROM, RAM and facilities on a single chip. 8 Bit microcontroller. 40 Pin DIP It is 12 times faster than 8051.
ENC 28 J 60 : The ENC28J60 is a stand-alone Ethernet controller with in an industry standard Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI). It is designed to server as an Ethernet network interface for any controller equipped with SPI.
SELECTION OF RJ 45 : An RJ45 cable is primarily used to connect devices over an Ethernet connection. For example, computers, printers, network storage devices, and cable or DSL modems, are some devices capable of using an RJ45 connection. Being able to identify an RJ45 cable is important when attempting to connect devices to a network.
Temperature sensor : There are many cool sensor available now a days, ranging from distance sensor modules, humidity sensor, temperature sensors, gas, alcohol sensors etc. That means they give a voltage output that varies linearly with the sensed quantity.
For example, in lm35 temperature sensor, the out put voltage is 10mv per degree centigrade. That means if out put is 300mV then the temperature is 30degrees
Features Calibrated directly in Celsius (centigrade) Rated for full -55 to range Suitable for remote applications Low cost Operates from 4 to 30 volts
LCD(Liquid Crystal Display): LCD’S are the most widely used output devices in embedded systems. It is used to display the status information to the users.
Relays Relays are like remote control switches and are used in many applications because of their relative simplicity, long life, and proven high reliability.
Conclusion: This Embedded Web Server provides easy control of house appliances through the Internet, thus it is a good media to attach devices to Internet. Many applications can be developed by this system primarily in the field of remote monitoring and controlling.