Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® “GYMNASTICS SCHOOL - many-sided gymnastics for children in gymnastics clubs“ Minna Rehn and Karoliina Hokka Finnish Gymnastics Federation Svoli Children’s Fitness seminar in Copenhagen, 2008
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® ABOUT FINNISH GYMNASTICS FEDERATION SVOLI About 400 sports clubs, members About children under 7 year old About children at agegroup 7-12 = Svoli Gymnastics school Second biggest sports federation in Finland 8 official gymnastics disciplins Acrobatic Gymnastics, Aerobic Gymnastics, Men's artistic Gymnastics, Women's artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Trampoline Gymnastics, TeamGym, Aesthetic Group Gymnastics
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® BACKGROUND for the DEVELOPMENT of GYMNASTICS SCHOOL Young Finland Accosiation is an independent national organization, whose main objective is to promote children's and youths´ well-being and joy of life by means of physical activity. Their goal is to ensure that daily exercise is an essential part of life for every child. They also want to ensure the availability of inspiring and developing possibilities for sports for each girl and boy. “Dream about a good sport” and “Recommendation of children’s competition”, base on children’s physical and emotional development → development programme based on these ethical grounds
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® GYMNASTICS SCHOOL Gymnastics school is the chirlden’s gymnastics world in Svoli The same base for all the gymnastics disciplins and also for those who don’t aim to any disciplin Function is to teach the basic gymnastics abilities playfully and considering children’s physical and emotional development Many-sided opportunities instead of early specialisation Possibility to practise and compete at your own skill level has been developed together with all the disciplins
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® Gymanstics school consists of a)Education, which is an element of a compulsory education system for instructors and coaches b)Competition called ”Station”, first competition level for almost all the disciplins c)Activities at sports clubs
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® CHILDREN’S GYMNASTICS COMPETITION = STATION For children at age 7-12 years old No different agegroups nor categories Children can attend as an individual or as a part of a group and with a set-up or self-designed performance
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® No results or points, but a written evaluation based on basic gymnastics abilities (balance, posture, flexibility, coordination, foot technique, etc.) No comparing to others Children get a direct feedback and a possibility to evaluate self their performance with the ”airbags”
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® Also an area for extra activities = ”fuss station” – It is not only the competition performance, but other activities too – Aim is to give possibilities to try some new gymnastics things Gymnastics Passport as a lisence
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® GROWING POPULARITY OF STATIONS 41 Stations and children in Stations and over children in 2007
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® GYMNASTICS SCHOOL FOR SCHOOLS Same format than in the clubs a) teaching teachers b) local stations c) gymnastics school days at schools →encouraging sports clubs for independent co-operation with schools
Hyvässä seurassa on ilo liikkua ® THANK YOU!