Property Overview This is a perfect building for attorneys, insurance brokers, real estate brokers, CPA’S and any professional office use. Location Details The building is located in downtown Gretna less than 1 mile from the Westbank Expressway. Located one block from the Jefferson Parish 2 nd Parish Court, Jefferson Parish Clerk Of Court and Jefferson Parish Government Center. BARBAR Building 310 Huey P Long Ave Gretna LA OFFICE SUITES AVAILABLE Property Type: Office Space For Lease Available Space: From 4,250sf to Spacious Offices from 1 to 7 Rooms Can build to suit with long term lease OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Additional Details Parking on site available 22 Spaces total Number of parking spaces depends on amount of office space leased Lease Type: Gross, net of janitorial Electricity and Water included Security Camera System Building Naming rights available, see agent for details Please Contact Jody Morris or Ray Garofalo III for lease information
BARBAR Building 310 Huey P Long Ave Gretna LA Office Space FOR LEASE BARBAR Building Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Gretna Municipal Courthouse 5 th Circuit Court of Appeals 2 nd Parish Court - Civil
120 Northshore Blvd Slidell LA BARBAR Building 310 Huey P Long Ave Gretna LA BARBAR Building 310 Huey P Long Ave Gretna LA 70053
120 Northshore Blvd Slidell LA BARBAR Building 310 Huey P Long Ave Gretna LA BARBAR Building 310 Huey P Long Ave Gretna LA Monthly gross lease, net of janitorial, Utilities Included STE Rooms With Naming Rights $1,600 STE Rooms $1,400 (Leased) STE ,400sf Will build to suit / with private restrooms STE Rooms $800 STE Rooms $1,000 STE Room $400 STE Rooms $1,000 (Leased) STE Rooms $1,200 STE 111 – 2 Rooms $1,000 / with private restrooms (Leased) *The entire left side of the building is 4,250sf and is available for lease at $4,250 and includes the Naming Rights. The space can be built to suit with long term lease Please see agent for parking allotment Naming Rights Subject to Availability STE 102 Warehouse Space *4,250sf Available to lease w Naming Rights and will build to suit STE 100 Includes Naming Rights with long term lease