You will be given clues on the following pages. These clues will lead you to a person, place, or event in Charles Dickens’ life. When you figure out the clue, you will plot it on a digital timeline app. The app is called Timeline and is blue with a white TL on it.
Each slide has a picture and a clue. You will click on the picture to find the answer to the clue. Once you find the answer to the clue, you will write it along with the date that goes with it. The next slide will give an example. After you write down the date and answer, you will plot it on your digital timeline.
This was Charles Dickens’ second Novel. This is the Clue Click on the picture. It will take you to the website shown above. This is where you will find the answer to the clue So, the answer you will write down and put on your timeline is : Oliver Twist February 1837.
Charles Dickens feuded with this man for years. After reconciling, Dickens gave this man’s eulogy.
Charles Dickens tells about this mountain in a letter to Count D'Orsay.
Charles Dickens was buried here after his death.
Charles Dickens arrived in this American city and began his second American reading tour at this temple.
Charles Dickens’ father told him that if he “were to be very persevering and work very hard” he might one day live here.
Charles Dickens was a free lance reporter at this place.
Charles Dickens undertook his first series of public readings here.
Charles Dickens was the first editor of this publication.
Charles Dickens was born on 7 February 1812 in this suburb of Portsmouth.
Charles Dickens suffered a minor stroke then returned to London when he started to write this novel.
Charles Dickens published this book just before his third son was born.
Charles Dickens first son, Charles Culliford Boz Dickens, was born here.
Charles Dickens married this woman whom was the mother of his ten children.
Charles Dickens’ “Dinner at Poplar Park” was his first published story and was in this magazine.
Charles Dickens Founds and edits this publication.
Charles Dickens spent summer and fall here with his family.
Charles Dickens was almost killed in a railway accident near this place.
Charles Dickens worked at this factoring putting labels on shoe polish. He was 12 years old and made 6 shillings a day.
You have finished the clues. Make sure you have written them on your worksheet and plotted your timeline. Your timeline is due December 18, Click a picture to see a video relating the Dickens’ life.