Symbolism and Allegory A Guide to Symbolism and Allegory in Maus
SYMBOLISM: *symbol (sim-bol): a symbol is a word or object that stands for another word or object.
Symbolism in literature is abstract… The object or word can be seen with the eye, or it can be an invisible idea. For example, a dove stands for Peace. The dove can be seen and peace cannot.
In Maus… Spiegelman uses a cartoon mouse to symbolize Jews at the time of the Holocaust. Together, let’s think of some famous mice.
What are some characteristics of a mouse? Is a mouse… loud or quiet? strong or timid? warm or cold? hunter or gatherer? predator or prey? big or small? threatening or meek? annoying or welcomed?
In Maus… Spiegelman uses cats to symbolize the Nazis. Let’s think of some famous cats!
What are some characteristics of a cat (think lions and tigers too!) Are cats… Mean or nice? Predator or prey? Timid or aggressive? Controlling or docile? Dangerous or friendly? Proud or Scared?
Idiom: “to play a game of cat and mouse” Cat vs. Mouse Idiom: “to play a game of cat and mouse” to repeatedly try to make someone react in a way that will cause them problems to try to find someone who is hiding from you Etymology (history of the expression): based on the way a cat plays with a mouse before killing it
What about other animals? Spiegelman includes pigs in the story and uses them as a symbol for Poles, or Polish people. This is because Nazis often referred to the Poles as “pigs” during World War II. Americans are portrayed as dogs. Why? French are frogs Gypsies are moths
ALLEGORY allegory (AL-eh-GOR-ee): a narrative that serves as an extended metaphor. Allegories are written in the form of fables, parables, poems, stories, and almost any other style or genre. The main purpose of an allegory is to tell a story that has characters, a setting, as well as other types of symbols, that have both literal and figurative meanings.
SYMBOL vs. ALLEGORY The difference between an allegory and a symbol is that an allegory is a complete narrative that conveys abstract ideas to get a point across, while a symbol is a representation of an idea or concept that can have a different meaning throughout a literary work (A Handbook to Literature).
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Is Maus an allegory?