Adjectives (1 st & 2 nd Declension) Chapter 6
Adjective: A word that modifies a noun or a pronoun The apostle is a good man. Jesus rose on the third day. We are learning Koine Greek.
SingularPlural Masc.Fem.Neut.Masc.Fem.Neut. NovVhvovnoivaivav Gou:h:Vou:w:n Dw/:h:/w/:oi:Vai:Voi:V AovnhvnovnouvVavVav Vevhvovvnoivaivav Consonant Stem Adjectives
SingularPlural Masc.Fem.Neut.Masc.Fem.Neut. NovVavovnoivaivav Gou:a:Vou:w:n Dw/:a/:w/:oi:Vai:Voi:V AovnavnovnouvVavVav Vevavovvnoivaivav e, i, r Stem Adjectives
SingularPlural Masc/FemNeut.Masc/FemNeut. NoVonoia Gou wn Dw/ oiV Aon ouVa Veonoia Two-termination Adjectives
Three types of Adjectives Attributive Adjective: Gives an attribute to the noun: We study Koine Greek. Substantival Adjective: The adjective itself gives substance to the noun and acts in the place of the noun: The good, the bad, and the ugly are studying Greek. Predicate Adjective: Makes a statement about the subject: God is good.
The good man Attributive Adjective o` avgaqo,j a;nqrwpoj o` a;nqrwpoj o` avgaqo,j Adjectives with the Article ascriptive attributive restrictive attributive – implies that there are other men who are not good Attributive adjectives always immediately follow the article.
The good man Substantival Adjective Attributive Adjective o` avgaqo,j The good (man) o` avgaqo,j a;nqrwpoj o` a;nqrwpoj o` avgaqo,j Adjectives with the Article Adjectives that serve as nouns (as a substantive)
The good man Attributive Adjective Predicate Adjective The man is good o` avgaqo,j a;nqrwpoj o` a;nqrwpoj o` avgaqo,j o` a;nqrwpoj avgaqo,j avgaqo,j o` a;nqrwpoj Adjectives with the Article Express assertions about a thing or person, as a complement to the verb “to be” (verb may be implied) Predicate adjectives always come before or after the article and noun.
The good man Substantival Adjective Attributive Adjective Predicate Adjective o` avgaqo,j The good (man) The man is good o` avgaqo,j a;nqrwpoj o` a;nqrwpoj o` avgaqo,j o` a;nqrwpoj avgaqo,j avgaqo,j o` a;nqrwpoj Adjectives with the Article
An adjective always agrees with the noun or pronoun it modifies, but this does not mean that adjectives will always take the same suffix as the noun it modifies. oiJ ajgaqoi; maqhtaiv
ajgaqoi; maqhtaiv Usually, if an adjective and noun are found together w/o the definite article, the adjective should be translated predicatively (p. 42). Disciples are good. In the NT, attributive adjectives will generally have the article.
ajgaqo;V a[nqrwpoV blevpei to;n ajpovstolon. However, is the following a predicative or an attributive adjective? A good man sees the apostle.
A man is good avgaqo,j a;nqrwpoj Adjectives without the Article a;nqrwpoj avgaqo,j A good man or A man is good A good man or