Essential Question: What makes folk tales and fairy tales so much fun to read? Unit Question: Why are folk tales and fairy tales famous all around the world? What is the common structure of folk tales and fairy tales? Content Question: What are the similarities and differences between different versions of these stories?How can point of view impact the way a story is told?
Applying effective reading strategies will be encouraged throughout the unit.
What is a Folk Tale? A folk tale is a story with no known author. Folk tales are passed down from one generation to another by word of mouth.
The Venn diagram serves as an assessment tool to gauge understanding.
Students can use the following technology tools for sharing their stories with an audience: Microsoft Word Prezzi PhotoStory Power Point Kerpoof!
Be able to use a variety of strategies to derive meaning from texts; begin reading texts fluently. Effectively respond to texts through a variety of methods. Be able to compare and contrast details from two or more written materials. Be able to communicate creative ideas in writing in a logical order using correct conventions. Be able to use technology creatively and effectively to communicate understanding.
1.Running Record of a Folk Tale on the students independent reading level. 2.Rubric for their own stories. 3.Venn Diagram Rubric