The History of School Uniform 1834 The low about general system of the civil uniform appeared in the Russian Empire. The style of school uniform for boys changed several times (in 1855, 1869, 1896 and 1913).
1896 Gymnasium’s uniform for girls. 1918 The decree “About the united school uniform” abolished school uniform as the result of the tsar-police regime.
1949 The united school uniform appeared in the USSR: for girls – a brown dress and a dark apron, for boys – an army shirt.
1973 The new form for boys appeared: a blue suit with an emblem and aluminum buttons.
1976 The new form for girls was: a blue skirt and a blue jacket. 1992 The united school uniform is abolished in the Russian Federation.
1992-2002 Some regions of our country took a law about obligatory school uniform. A school uniform of the classical gymnasium
Uniform in Some Specialized Schools Uniform was, is and will be in some specialized educational institutions, for example: in cadet’s, Nakhimov’s, Suvorov’s schools.
All these specialized schools have their own uniform All these specialized schools have their own uniform. Pupils look neat, slender in it. It disciplines and organizes the pupils. There are eight cadet’s schools in Krasnoyarsk region: six for boys and two Mariinsky gymnasiums for girls.
Uniform in Britain Schools For boys: a white shirt, a tie, a blazer, a cap (the colour of the school). There is a badge on the cap and on the pocket of the blazer For girls: a blouse, a skirt, a blazer (the colour of the school), a cap with the school badge on the front. `
Uniform in Private (Public) Schools This uniform of students of Harrow school in London. (The famous public schools are Winchester, Eton, Rugby, Harrow …)
Attitude to School Uniform What do pupils, parents and teachers think about school uniform?
Pupils Against: - afraid 1) to look the same For: - won’t 1) compare who is the best 2) be envy 3) think what to put on to school every morning; -disciplines; -will be better. Against: - afraid 1) to look the same 2) to wear dark or grey clothes; -will be boring; -will be uncomfortable; -will be as in the army; -don’t like the strict style; -won’t be nice; -needs washing; -every day in one clothes. It’s awful!
Parents Against: - children don’t like and don’t want to wear it; - extra expenses; -nobody will wear it; -all look the same. For: - will look like the pupils, not like children from the street; -disciplines and organizes the pupils; -tidy (neat) outlook; -less problems for children and for parents; -but not all classes in one and the same colour and style; -no envy (who wears the richest and the most modern clothes).
Teachers Against: - too expensive. For: - disciplines; -organizes not only the pupils but also the parents (especially in the junior form, makes them look after the clothes of the children); -doesn’t show difference in parents’ income; -educates style and taste to clothing; -economizes expenses. - one day for FREE FORM!
What Do the Designers Suggest?
SCHOOL UNIFORM... We can say YES or NO to school uniform. Everything depends on the family income or living conditions. School uniform is comfortable and it 1.disciplines 2.organizes pupils 3.expenses economy. One should convence the parents and the children in necessity of school uniform.
TO BE OR NOT TO BE? Our Suggestions: 1) Every form can choose the style and the colour of the school uniform. 2) It won’t be only a blouse and a skirt for girls (but also trousers or jeans) and not only a classical suit for boys. 3) We’d like to see a school badge. 4) One day a week is for FREE FORM, not all days in a school uniform.
School Uniform in Britain Most pupils in Britain go to state schools where uniform isn’t important. Those who attend private or public schools wear uniform. The boys usually wear a white shirt and a tie. Over the shirt they wear a school jacket. The school jacket is called a blazer. They have the school badge on the pocket of the blazer and on the cap. The tie, the blazer and the cap are the colour of the school. English schoolgirls wear a blouse and a skirt. They wear their school blazer, too. Their hat has the school badge on the front.
And what do the designers suggest? You can see costumes and suits of different colours: dark blue, grey, taracot. There is a white blouse, a blazer and a jacket, a trousers suit for girls and skirts of the latest style. I think some of the styles are nice and comfortable. As for me, I’ll put on this modern costume.
Models of uniform designed by the pupils: You can see models of uniform designed by the pupils of our school. The small children drew these uniforms for boys and girls of all classes. These are school uniforms made by the girls of the 8-th and 11-th forms, they are of bright colours and modern style.