Unit 5 Spreadsheets 5.10 Formatting & Printing
Introduction Now that you have completed the tasks associated with creating spreadsheets, formulas, functions, sorting and filtering, templates, and charts and graphs, you will learn how to handle additional formatting tools for formatting and printing your worksheets. Formatting tools are very similar to the formatting tools in other software applications. Copy, Paste, highlighting, bold, underline, etc. are the same. You will have a few options that are different because they are designed specifically for spreadsheets. Some of these tools are similar to the tools available in the Table tool bar in Word. You have completed the difficult part of spreadsheet software, creating the worksheet and entering the data. Formatting features are easy to use and will help enhance the overall look of your worksheet and setup your document for printing.
Introduction At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: – Utilize spreadsheet features, including formulas, functions, sorting and filtering data, templates, charts, and graphs in creating, editing, and printing workbooks. (ACOS 6) – Create a product that integrates information from multiple software applications. (ACOS 11) – Demonstrating programming logic used to create a product (ACOS 19B1) Examples: products—digital game, interactive learning tool – Utilize interactive models and digital sources to address real-world problems. (ACOS 21) Example: using graphic organizing tools
Summary Upon completion of the tasks in each lesson of this unit, you should be knowledgeable about creating spreadsheets, as well as being proficient in designing, producing, and analyzing a spreadsheet. These lessons have given you a knowledge base that will prepare you for real world computer applications. You should be able to integrate software applications into your everyday life as well as understand how the logic of a program works, especially when creating formulas and using functions. The tools you have been given will allow you take information, analyze it, and help develop a software product that expresses the information you want to convey.
Task 1 Open your Stock file that you created in the last lesson. 1.Insert two rows at the first line of your spreadsheet. 2.Insert a Title for your spreadsheet 3.Merge and center it over the columns you have used for the spreadsheet 4.Make the Title larger 5.Change font color (Remember, you want it to look professional) 6.Insert shading for the cells containing the title and column headings 7.Insert borders (play with the different options to see what they do) 8.Center your Title and Column headings horizontally and vertically in each cell. 9.Make sure numbers are formatted as a Number not General 10.Adjust column widths to appropriate size to handle data. 11.Adjust row heights so information is not crowded. Save to your F Drive in your Unit 5 Folder as 5.10 Formatting Dropbox.
Task 2 1.Remember how all of your work should be saved to a unit folder? 2.Submit the screenshot showing your Unit 5 folder. 3.Save to your F Drive in your Unit 5 Folder as 4.Unit 5 FM Dropbox.
Unit 5 Folder Remember to save all of your work to your Unit 5 folder!
Are you finished? You should have – 21 files Saved to your F Drive – in your Unit 5 Folder Introduction to Spreadsheets Dropbox Number Format Dropbox Interest Schedule Dropbox Nielson’s Top Ten List Modern Day on First Charts Worksheet Dropbox Create Chart Dropbox Pie Chart Bar Chart Line Chart Reading Charts Dropbox Digital Use Dropbox Functions Dropbox AutoSum Dropbox Commission Dropbox Loan Dropbox Grade Averager Dropbox Stock Sort Dropbox Stock Filter Dropbox Formatting Dropbox 21.Unit 5 FM Dropbox