1 Office of Priestly Vocations Archdiocese of Detroit
2 New AOD Seminarians for New seminarians 2 – College 5 - Pre-Theology 1 - Theology
3 Total AOD Seminarians for returning + 8 (new) ________ 45 seminarians (Less 1 seminarian from )
4 Seminarians class level for College (9 - Pre-Theology) 21 - Theology
5 Parishes of New Seminarians for Guardian Angels, Clawson Holy Trinity, Port Huron National Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park St. Cyprian, Riverview SS. Cyril & Methodius, Sterling Heights St. Joseph, Lake Orion St. Paul on the Lake, Grosse Pointe Farms St. Pius, Southgate
6 Seminarians by Region Central - 5 Northeast-15 Northwest-10 South-15
8 329 Ordinands 69% responded CARA Report Class of 2011 Ordinands
9 Respondents: diocesan 54 - religious
10 Age of Ordinands AllDiocesan Age %45% Age Age Age Age Age 60 and older11
11 Age of Ordinands Average age33 Median age30 Range in years25-63
13 Race and Ethnic Background of Diocesan Ordinands Hispanic/Latino13 Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 9 African/African American/black4 Other2 Caucasian/European American/white72%
14 Country of Birth of Diocesan Ordinands Colombia4 Mexico4 Poland5 Vietnam3 Philippines2 Other countries12 United States70%
15 Catholic since birth 92%
16 Siblings: 3
17 What is your birth order? Youngest 29% Middle38 Oldest33
18 At what level did you first enter the seminary? High School5% College 35% Pre-Theology 45% Theology 15%
19 Attendance at Catholic School Elementary45% High School38% College39%
20 Catholic Elementary School 42% U.S. Catholics 47% Ordinands
21 Catholic High School 22 % U.S. Catholics 39% Ordinands
22 Catholic College 7% U.S. Adult Catholics 39% Ordinands
23 Participation in Religious Education 66%
24 Prior Full-time Work Experience Education 14% Sales, Customer Service Church Minsitry 14% 9%
25 Service in the U.S. Armed Forces* Air Force35% Army25 Navy20 Reserve20 Military5 National Guard5 Coast Guard5 *Respondents could select more than one category
26 Participation in Parish Ministries Altar server73% Lector55 Minister of Holy Communion39 Catechist37 Campus Ministry/Youth Ministry32 Confirmation sponsor/godfather30 Cantor or music minister27
27 Participation in Parish Programs or Activities Parish youth group48% Community Service40 Boy Scouts/Eagle Scouts30 Knights of Columbus25 Catholic Campus ministry/Newman Center20
28 Participation in Other Youth Ministry Programs World Youth Day 22%
29 Discouragement from the Priesthood Friend or classmate57% Parent or family member51 Priest or other clergy20 Teacher13 Religious sister or brother 6 Youth minister 3 Someone else12
30 Regular Prayer Practices Rosary69% Eucharistic Adoration63 Retreats58 Prayer group/Bible study52 Lectio Divina24
31 Vocation Programs “Come and See” weekend at the seminary 40%
32 Did any of these influence your discernment? DVD or Videos21% Websites20 Other20
33 Average age when ordinands first considered the priesthood: 16
34 Influences: Personal witness of priests, brothers and other seminarians Holy men and women Books magazine, Catholic radio, EWTN, and diocesan newspapers Prayer Vocation Director Vocation talks, vocation nights, vocation retreats, and vocation programs Blessed John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Paul VI Diocesan discernment programs Encouragement from friends and family The example of good and happy priests and seminarians World Youth Day
35 Encouragement to Consider Priesthood Parish Priest68% Friend43 Mother42 Parishioner38 Father25 Teacher/Catechist23 Other relative20 Grandparent19 Religious sister16 Campus Minister/School Chaplain15 Bishop15 Religious brother10 Youth Minister10 Deacon8 Military Chaplain2
36 Parish Priest 80% over past 5 years
37 Vocation Recruitment: Public enemy #1
38 Regional Vocation Coordinators Central: Fr. Marie Haby-Ellie Northeast: Fr. Philip Ching Northwest: Fr. Stephen Pullis South:Fr. David Bechill
39 RVC Ministry Promote, Promote, Promote Vocation talks Vicariate/Regional Meetings Assist with vocation programs
40 ‘Do Whatever He Tells You’ A Pastoral Plan for Vocational Awareness ~ Archdiocese of Detroit “Vocations to the ministerial priesthood and to the consecrated life are first and foremost the fruit of constant contact with the living God and insistent prayer lifted up to the ‘Lord of the harvest’, whether in parish communities, in Christian families or in groups specifically devoted to prayer for vocations.” Pope Benedict XVI
41 1. Education: Sharing the research and statistics presently at our disposal
42 2.Direction: Providing priests, parish staff, and laity with the ‘tools ’
43 3.Inspiration : Reminding via theological reflection why this should be a priority
44 Chapters for Do Whatever He Tells You: A Pastoral Plan for Vocational Awareness I. Priest: Statistics Challenge- Leadership- Shepherd ‘Procreative’ Father Invitation
45 II. Catechist/Youth & Young Adult: Statistics Challenge – Bringing Vocation Awareness to our Young People Discipleship Invitation
46 III. Pastoral Staff: Connection with the parishioners Part of the ‘Team’ Parish programming (part of everything) Invitation
47 IV.People of God: Baptism- the ‘heart of it all’ What is a vocation- do I have one? Lead by example Invitation
48 V. Resources: Parish Vocation Committee Guide Website/Social Media Vatican Documents/Papal Letters/Decrees/Addresses Youth/Young Adult Documents USCCB Documents Books/Articles
49 VI: TIMELINE 2011 August: Appointment of Regional Vocation Coordinators September:Vocation Convocation- Committees & input from laity October:AOD Convocation- presentation to priests November:Meet with lay ministers/AOD personnel for input December:Final draft of Pastoral Plan to Archbishop for final approval 2012 January:Pastoral Plan for Vocations distributed to AOD
50 In Review: Invite, Invite, Invite Altar Servers Implement Pastoral Plan Promote Vocation Programs Cooperate with RVC