Sensei Ryan Sickles
2 Flooring options for your school to increase students Safety What’s safe and what’s not Why no hard floors
Hardwood floors are scary Kids + Danger = Unhappy Parents Safety Mats = safety of children Safety Mats = less insurance & less risk
BAD IDEA Used in day care settings for a reason Slippery Cleaning Easy to break
EZ – Flex mats are versatile Safe, Lightweight & Mobile Durable Easy to clean Great for large schools Purchase online at Replaceable cover for separate purchase
Most common safety Mat Thick, durable, mobile Great for the smaller school setting Slightly harder to clean Heavier mat prevents less floor movement Get a quote at
PUZZLE MATSSWAIN & EZ-FLEX MATS Thin Hard to clean Come apart easy Judged by parents as unsafe Slightly more expensive Thick cushion Fairly easy to transport Does not separate Easy to clean Does not slide around Custom layout
2 options to give you and your students a better experience OFF the floor Automate your off the floor responsibilites
Your responsibility is to your students Your not Superman Stop chasing the dollar! Easy to train using the computer Overall = Makes your life easier
Online Booking Recording of sales and inventory Easy Automatic notifications Online staff and tech support Affordable plans for any business
Easy Records Easy Billing Share events Automatic Reminders Tracks Possible Leads
As martial artists we want: Safety For our students AND their families Learn Students learn better when comfortable Want to share our success with others Advance The best way to advance is referrals Our students should talk about us