Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. LGBT History Month UK November 2004 Funding from DfES December 2004 Launch of the website at Tate Modern It will be every February Started in UK 2005.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Why did Schools OUT do it? 1.To change the curriculum of our schools and by that change the culture of our schools in order to: –make schools safe and comfortable places for all who use them –provide an appropriate education for all our students
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Why else? 2. To encourage LGBT people to move from survival to Celebration! & to give everyone the chance to learn more about the lives and achievements of LGBT people.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Why is History so important? It is only from history that we learn who we were. It is only from history that we learn who we are. It is only by understanding our histories that we can fully exploit our lives in the here and now. It is only by understanding our histories that we can properly work to create our futures.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Ensuring the month has credibility and status; Providing a calendar for events to be advertised; Provide LGBT history /information; Provide LGBT images for everyone to use; Suggestions for events. Website to Enable Groups to set up their own events by
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future Receptions at: Manchester Town Hall; House of Commons; Edinburgh Castle.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future Over 100 events were organised nationally in the name of LGBT History Month. Details of each event were made available on the calendar on our website. They celebrated and included the diversity of our community Over 50,000 hits on website during February alone!
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Publicised and promoted through links to a wide range of other websites. Putting LGBT History Month UK into a search engine elicits over 1,400 responses - March Publicised and promoted through weekly ings to over 500 individuals. Mailing list still running.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future Who organised Events? LGBT groups; Libraries; Cinemas – including the British Film Institute! Museums; Art Galleries; Churches; Workplaces; The Police; Trades Unions; Councils; And many, many more…
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Schools and Colleges who provided Specific Lessons on: The Nature of Oppression. Shakespeare’s sonnets. The Holocaust. Assemblies. Displays. Drama productions and debates! All still available on the website.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Schools OUT and Amnesty International provided: Lesson suggestions for all key stages; Assembly templates; General information on how to tackle homophobia; List of many resources.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Pre-Launch for 2006 Sponsored by the Metropolitan Police Service & The Metropolitan Police Authority.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. At the Empress State Building
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Speakers were: DAC Rose Fitzgerald – Diversity – MPS. Rictor Norton – Historian. Sarah Weir – Arts Council. Jeffrey Weeks – Historian. Kirsten Hearne – MPA. Persia West – Trans Trainer. Cyril Nri – Actor & Writer.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. The Galop Plate Awarded to the organisation that hosts the Pre-Launch of LGBT History Month. Will your organisation be the next to receive the plate?
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Our Patrons for Sarah Weir – Executive Director, Arts Council, England.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Our Patrons for Cyril Nri – Actor, Director & Writer.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. What are you doing for LGBT History Month 2006?
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. A Calendar of Events - add your own to the growing list. Nominate your most important and inspiring LGBT person past and present.. Join the mailing list to be kept informed.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. New website Report on last year’s success; Last years calendar; More images; More history; More links; More resources. Is your event up there yet?
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. October 2005 Put LGBT History Month UK into a search engine and it generates over 40,000 responses.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Sponsored by: Metropolitan Police Service; Metropolitan Police Authority; Crown Prosecution Service; Transport for London; Trades Union Council; National Union of Teachers; Department for Education & Skills; Department of Health.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. BM LGBT History Month London WC1N 3XX.
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Download our Logo – in English
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. In Welsh
Claiming our history, celebrating our present, creating our future. Claiming our history Celebrating our present Creating our future! February 2006!