ID A20L:Using Embedded Tools for I2C, SPI, and USB Debugging and Development for Renesas MPU and MCUs Kumaran Santhanam VP Technology Version: 1.1 Total Phase 12 October 2010
2 Kumaran Santhanam Vice President of Technology Aardvark and Cheetah host adapter lines Beagle protocol analyzer lines Education B.S. EECS from the University of California at Berkeley M.S. EE from Stanford University Work Experience 20 years experience with embedded systems development 9 years at Total Phase designing hardware and software development tools Currently responsible for developing technology for use in current and future products Key role in providing architecture and technical direction for the product development team
3 Solutions for Innovation I2C, SPI, and USB communication is ubiquitous across embedded systems.
4 Total Phase Solutions By using debugging tools manufactured by Total Phase, you can: Debug in real-time Quickly evaluate embedded systems Program EEPROMS and flash memories Easily collaborate with colleagues Maximize productivity
5 Agenda Introduction to the Renesas SH7216 Demo Kit Introduction to Total Phase Development Tools Lab Lab Set Up Aardvark host adapter and Control Center Software Beagle protocol analyzers and Data Center Software Bug 1: I2C LCD Bug 2: Read I2C Advanced: Implement SPI Feature Q&A
6 Renesas SH7216 Demonstration Kit
77 Renesas SH 7216 Demo Kit The SH7216 board can be used to develop custom prototypes using the on-board I/O expansion headers. The board features: – SH7216 (running at 192 MHz) – FS USB Device Controller – MicroSD Card Socket – On-Board E10A Debugger – 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer – Microphone – 2x8 Character LCD – EEPROM – 12 LEDs (to simulate motor winding) – Potentiometer Your Company Logo HERE
88 Renesas SH7216 Demo Board SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² EEPROM Beagle Beagle Header Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB Ethernet USB Port CAN Circuit Reset JN5JN1 JN6JN2 PHY Expansion Area Volume Audio Mic 3D 3-Axis Accelerometer
99 Renesas SH7216 Demo Board SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² EEPROM Beagle Beagle Header Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB USB Port Reset
10 Renesas SH7216 Demo Board SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² EEPROM Beagle Beagle Header Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB USB Port Reset USB SPI I2C
11 Total Phase Development Tools
12 Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter General purpose I2C/SPI master or slave Active communication on the I2C bus up to 800 kHz Active communication up to 8 MHz as an SPI master and up to 4 MHz as an SPI slave GPIO with selectable pins Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter
13 Beagle Protocol Analyzers Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer Non-intrusively monitor high-, full-, and low-speed USB 2.0 Interactive Real-Time Display, Filter, and Search Real-time class-level decoding Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer Non-intrusively monitor I2C and SPI Interactive Real-Time Display, Filter, and Search Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer
14 Total Phase Software Data Center Software LiveDisplay LiveFilter LiveSearch 32-bit and 64-bit support Tree View and Block View Cross-platform compatible Control Center Software Read and Write I2C/SPI messages XML Batch Script support Built-in Help System Multiple adapter support Cross-platform compatible
15 Section 1: Lab Set Up
16 1.Make sure you have all the materials listed on the lab handout. 2.Confirm that the board power adapter is connected and plugged into an outlet. 3.Plug the Beagle I2C/SPI analyzer and Aardvark adapter into the 10-pin split cable. 4.Connect the Beagle USB 480 analyzer to the computer via the analysis and host ports. 5.Verify the DIP switch, SW1, is set to the correct DEBUG configuration shown below. 16 Section 1: Lab Set Up
17 Section 1: Lab Set Up SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² EEPROM Beagle Beagle Header Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB USB Port Reset I2C SPI 6.Connect the mini-B USB cable to the debugger. USB
18 Section 2: Aardvark Host Adapter
19 Section 2: Aardvark Host Adapter 1.Open the Control Center Software 2.Click Configure Aardvark Adapter 3.Select the Device and Click OK 4.Type in the slave address 0x50 5.Set the bit rate to 100 kHz
20 Section 2: Aardvark Host Adapter 6. In the message box, type 00. This is your offset. 7. Click Master Write. 8. Click Master Read. 9. In the message box type Click Master Write. 11. In the message box, re-enter the offset, Click Master Write 13. Click Master Read.
21 Section 3: Beagle Protocol Analyzers
22 Section 3: Beagle Protocol Analyzers 1. Open the Data Center Software. 2.Click Connect to Analyzer. 3. Select the I2C/SPI analyzer and Click OK. 4. Click Device Settings and Select I2C. 5. Set the sampling rate to 50 MHz. 6. Set the protocol lens to I2C. 7. Start the capture.
23 Section 4: Development Start Up
24 1. Open HEW 2. Select Browse to Another Workspace 3. Open the folder in c:\Workspace 4. Select the RSK7216-HID.hws project 24 Section 4: Development Start Up
25 Section 4: Development Start Up 5. Select Debug Connect 6. Select 10A USB Emulator OK
26 7.Press the reset button and hit enter. 8.Leave the default System Clock settings to MHz 9.Leave the ID Code as E10A (default) 26 Section 4: Development Start Up EEPROM Beagle Header Mini USB Reset SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² Beagle Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port I2C SPI USB
27 Section 4: Development Start Up 10. Select Build Build All 11. Click YES when the confirmation request appears 12. Select Debug Reset Go (Shift+F5)
28 Section 4: Development Start Up SH7216 Motor LEDs Renesas USB HID E²E² LCD Beagle Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port I2C SPI 13. The motor LEDs will light up and “Renesas USB HID” will display on the LCD screen. USB
29 Section 4: Development Start Up SH7216 Motor LEDs E²E² Beagle Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port I2C SPI 14. Plug in the USB cable to connect the board to the Beagle USB 480 analyzer LCD USB
30 Section 4: Development Start Up 15. Launch RSK_HID.exe from the Host directory 16. The RSK HID Application box will open
31 Section 5: Bug 1 – I2C LCD
32 Section 5: Bug 1 – I2C LCD Diagnosing the Problem 1.Click Connect in the RSK HID Application box. 2.Leave VID = 0x45b 3.Leave PID = 0x2013
33 Section 5: Bug 1 – I2C LCD Test Application Functions 4.Click Toggle LED 5.Click Set LCD and Type Renesas Dev Con 6.Click Clear LCD 7.Click Write I2C and type “abcdefghijklmnop” 8.Go back to the Data Center Software 9.Go back to the application box and Click I2C LCD
34 Please spend the next 5 minutes trying to find the I2C LCD bug. SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² EEPROM Beagle Beagle Header Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB USB Port Reset I2C
35 Using the Beagle I2C analyzer, we can quickly diagnose this problem. When we Write to I2C, the Data Center displays this transaction. The first byte of data is 00. Remember that 00 is our offset. When we click I2C LCD, the Data Center displays these transactions. If we closely examine the data we see that the write transaction says 08. This means that the data is being pushed to the LCD starting at offset 08. The correct offset is 00 as shown in the first write transaction. Section 5: Bug 1 – I2C LCD Solution
36 Section 5: Bug 1 – I2C LCD Solution Select Debug | Halt Program 11.Make the corrections to source code in line Save (Ctrl+S) 13.Click Build (F7) 14.Click OK to download the module. 15.Click Reset Go (Shift+F5) 16.Click OK when disconnect failure appears. 17.Click Connect in the Application Box 18.Click I2C LCD to verify the solution.
37 Section 6: Bug 2 - Read I2C
38 Section 6: Bug 2 - Read I2C Diagnosing the Problem 1.Click Write I2C and type “abcdefghijklmnop” 2.Click Read I2C
39 Please spend the next 5 minutes trying to isolate the Read I2C bug. SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² EEPROM Beagle Beagle Header Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB USB Port Reset I2C
40 Using the Beagle analyzers, we can quickly diagnose this problem. When we Read I2C, the Data Center displays these transactions. Using the Details pane, we can see the data is being read correctly from the I2C EEPROM. Section 6: Bug 2 - Read I2C Isolating the Problem
41 3. Open another Data Center Software 4. Connect to the Beagle USB 480 analyzer 5. Go to Capture Settings and adjust the Data Capture Limit to 700 MB 6. Start the Capture 7. Go to the Bus Pane Section 6: Bug 2 - Read I2C Isolating the Problem
42 8. In the HEW, click Stop, then Reset Go (Shift+F5) 9. HID USB Demonstration should appear in the bus pane 10. Right click on the device and select Show Only 11. Go to the Filter tab 12. Uncheck Collapsed & SOFs 13. Apply filter Section 6: Bug 2 - Read I2C Isolating the Problem
43 Using the Beagle USB 480 analyzer, we can diagnose this problem. When we Read I2C, the Data Center displays these input reports. Using the Details pane, we can see the data is being read backwards over USB. Section 6: Bug 2 - Read I2C Isolating the Problem
44 Please spend the next 5 minutes trying to find the Read I2C bug. SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² EEPROM Beagle Beagle Header Power Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB USB Port Reset I2C USB
45 14.Select Debug | Halt Program 15.Make the corrections to source code. 16.Save (Ctrl+S) 17.Click Build (F7) 18.Click OK to download the module. 19.Click Reset Go (Shift+F5) 20.Click OK when disconnect failure appears. 21.Click Connect in the Application Box 22.Click Read I2C to verify the solution. Section 6: Bug 2 - Read I2C Solution
46 Section 7: Implement SPI Feature
47 1. Go back to the Data Center Software running I2C. 2. Stop the capture and Clear the capture (Ctrl+L) 3. Change the Device Settings and Protocol Lens to SPI 4. Start the Capture 5. Go back to the Application Box 6. Click Read SPI 7. Click Write SPI and type “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP” 8. Click Read SPI 9. Go back to the Data Center Software and compare the data. 10. Click SPI LCD Section 7: Implement SPI Feature Diagnosing the Situation
48 Modify the source code so that a data stack is created. When Write SPI is clicked, you must be able to write data by SPI multiple times in sequence to the SD Card. When SPI LCD is clicked, you must be able to send data by SPI from the SD Card to the LCD in the reverse sequence. When Read SPI is clicked, you must only be able to read the last data written to the SD Card. Section 7: Implement SPI Feature The Task
49 Please take the next 10 minutes to implement this feature. SH7216 Motor LEDs LCD E²E² Beagle Micro SD E10A Debugger Circuitry USB Port Mini USB USB Port Reset SPI
50 11.Select Debug | Halt Program 12.At the top of the file, create a variable for stack index. 13.In the Write SPI code, use stack index to write data to sequential locations, incrementing stack index after each write. 14.In the SPI to LCD code, use stack index to retrieve last written data, then decrement stack index to previous location. 15.In the Read SPI code, use stack index to retrieve last written data. Section 7: Implement SPI Feature Solution
51 16.Save (Ctrl+S). 17.Click Build (F7). 18.Click OK to download the module. 19.Click Reset Go (Shift+F5). 20.Click connect in the application box. Section 7: Implement SPI Feature Solution
52 21.Click Write SPI and type Click Write SPI and type Click Write SPI and type Click Read SPI 25.Click SPI LCD 26.Click SPI LCD 27.Click SPI LCD 28.Click SPI LCD Section 7: Implement SPI Feature Verify the Solution
53 Questions
54 Questions
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