by Nancy Abbott CANR Grants Development Office [GDO]
1. Obtain the Request for Applications [RFA or RFP] 2. Inform CANR grants office of your intent to submit. Include RFA or link to it 3. Download required sponsor forms or Guidelines and Application Package if 4. Prepare Budget and Budget Justification 5. Write the proposal and complete sponsor forms 6. Fill out and sign/date UConn forms 7. Send everything to GDO for review
1. CANR GDO conducts preliminary review and works with PI to make any adjustments needed Proposals are to be complete, correct, and ready for submission when sent to OSP 2. CANR GDO submits proposal to OSP 3. Once proposal has been approved at OSP, GDO contacts PI and s approval pages 4. PI either submits proposal [paper, , or sponsor- specific web submissions] or gives OK to GDO for OSP to submit [ and federal agency submissions]
OSP’s deadline is 5 business days in advance of the sponsor’s due date At that time, the entire proposal should be complete and ready to submit, with the exception of the project narrative and bibliography, which may be in draft form Final narrative and references due by noon on due date Proposals must be submitted to CANR GDO in time for initial review and correction phase to be complete by OSP’s deadline Proposals not submitted on time are sent directly to OSP without review by GDO
Advice and consultation throughout proposal process Budget preparation Interpretation of RFA instructions and guidelines Negotiation/liaising with OSP Pre-completion of standard information in application packages Maintaining library of forms, templates, and instructions for UConn and many federal agencies
Completion of budget forms within application package Conversion of files to Adobe PDFs Uploading of attachments into application packages Research into potential funding opportunities Amount of assistance available is directly tied to amount of time available No special assistance can be given to late proposals
Internal Proposal Review Form (aka ‘routing sheet’) – completed and signed/dated through dept head level Significant Financial Interest Review Form – completed and signed/dated by each UConn person named within proposal {PI, co-PIs, collaborators, program staff}
By UConn: Subrecipient Consortium Statement – completed and signed by subawardee PI and institutional authority – serves as Letter of Intent Statement of Work – can be part of Letter of Support Budget Budget Justification By Sponsor: All of the above, plus: Biographical Sketch, Current and Pending Support form, and Conflict of Interest list from each Senior/Key Person
By UConn: Consortium Statement – completed and signed by PI and Antje Harnisch [our AOR - Authorized Organizational Representative] By USDA: Letter of Support from UConn PI Biographical Sketch, Current and Pending Support form, and Conflict of Interest list from each Senior/Key Person
This is always GDO Form will come back from OSP if these drop down boxes have not been completed When you are a subawardee, this is the primary institution and this is the originating sponsor Cost Share can either refer to required match or to voluntary committed effort for which no salary is requested NOTE: All boxes must be checked either Yes or No
Indicates what % of indirects will be allocated between or among PI and co-PI(s). Mandatory for all proposals with co-PIs.
Dept Head signs here Enter the % of time you have committed for which salary is not recovered in the budget Multiply the % of time committed times your annual salary and then times the number of years in the project and enter Multiply the salary amount times the fringe rate and enter