Peter’s Confession April 19
Can You Name Any of These? What events can cause someone to move from the status of “relatively unknown” to “famous”? Why are people more willing to follow the lives of a famous person rather than an unknown? Area of ExpertiseRelatively UnknownRemarkably Famous Baseball Television Chef Talk Show Host Football Business Person Olympic Athlete Jesus was at a point in his ministry where he was becoming famous He wanted his disciples to follow Him for the right reasons He wanted them to realize His true identity … the Son of God … and follow Him
Listen for two questions Jesus asks. Matthew 16:13-17 (NIV) When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" [14] They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
Listen for two questions Jesus asks. [15] "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" [16] Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." [17] Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.
Accept Jesus as Son of God What were the two questions? The first question was broad and impersonal. What did the disciples report were the theories about Jesus? What characteristics did Jesus have that made people think of the prophets? In today’s world, what kinds of opinions of Jesus do people have?
Accept Jesus as Son of God In what ways are these answers similar to the answers the disciples reported? Peter declared that Jesus was “the Christ” … “the Messiah” … “the anointed One” … the “sent One.” How do you think Peter knew the right answer to who Jesus was? How would the way you live your life make a statement to tell others who Jesus really is to you?
Accept Jesus as Son of God Peter’s statement not in agreement with majority of the Jews. Consider what it means to hold beliefs in opposition to a group of others as demonstrated in this psychology experiment:
Accept Jesus as Son of God 1951 psychology experiment by Solomon Asch – Individual placed in group – Asked to identify which line segments in Exhibit 2 match length in Exhibit 1 – Rest of group primed to answer incorrectly – How well, how often will test subject hold out against majority “opinion”?
Accept Jesus as Son of God One third subjects went along with clearly erroneous majority – 37 of 50 subjects conformed to majority at least once – 14 conformed on more than 6 of 12 trials Reasons for conforming: – Desire to be liked by group – Assume group is better informed Your belief of who Jesus is to you must be sure and certain and not influenced by the opinions of others.
Listen for Jesus’ guarantee. Matthew 16:18 (NIV) And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Jesus Guarantees His Church Will Never Fail Note the comparison of two Greek words, Petrospetra means small stone or, pebble the Greek version of Peter’s name Peter, the one who has made the declaration means “a large rock” or, a cliff that is permanent Peter’s declaration is said to be the foundation of the church
Jesus Guarantees His Church Will Never Fail Jesus uses these two words in a serious (non humorous) play on words. Some believers understood this passage to mean that Peter was to be the foundational leader (or pope) of Christ’s church The statement of Jesus being the Son of God is the foundation upon which the church is built! – any building is only as strong as its foundation – we want a large rock, not a pebble
Jesus Guarantees His Church Will Never Fail How is the Church around the world being attacked in today’s society? What promise does Jesus give about the steadfastness of the church? Consider that as the church attacks the strongholds of Satan, those same gates will not prevail against the Gospel – the Good News!
Leading Others to Christ What is the responsibility of the executer of a will? Listen for a responsibility Jesus gives His followers after He is gone. Matthew 16:19-20 (NIV) I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." [20] Then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ.
Leading Others to Christ Jesus shared with Peter the authority to make decisions as Jesus moved towards His death and resurrection – Christ’s followers share a similar authority – We can access heaven’s powers – We can access heaven’s resources … as we live on mission with Him
Leading Others to Christ How can these truths strengthen your trust in Christ? Consider the concept of “binding” and “loosing.” What things need to be bound here on earth? What things need to be loosed on earth? What kinds of ministries exist within our church that “loose” these qualities? God calls us to these ministries … as a church … as individuals
Application If you name Christ as Savior and Lord, how does that show in your life? – Listen daily to what He has to say to you – Talk to Him about your joys, your sorrows, your ambitions – Obey His commands – Reject the influence of the world around you
Application Every person who confesses Jesus as God’s Son has an important role to play in His Church – Become involved in ministries which need your talents – Acquire the training offered which will improve your skills – Trust in God’s promises to empower and protect His people
Application We have been given the “keys” to the kingdom of heaven – Don’t hoard the keys – Share the keys – Intentionally look for ways to give the keys to God’s Kingdom to people who don’t have them
Peter’s Confession April 19