R OALD D AHL Magda Barańska kl. Ia
I NTRODUCTION Roald Dahl. Who is it? You don’t know anything about him? Don’t worry! If you watch this demonstration, you will know a lot of about him. You will can check your knowledge in the end. Author
C ONTENTS Roald Dahl- who was it? His life in pill His books, plays, filmscripts… Gallery Roald Dahl in… Do you remember? You can see it!
R OALD D AHL Who was it?
R OALD D AHL - WHO WAS IT ? Roald Dahl was born in 1916, died in He was a british writer, screenwriter and commentator. Dahl was eccentric. He was born in Norwegian family. His family lived in Wales. In 1942 he arrived to Washington. He became a pilot. INTERESTING PIECE OF NEWS!!! He had got more than 2 meters!!!
R OALD D AHL - WHO WAS IT ? His first book was „Shot down over Libya”. Today this story is published as „A Piece of Cake.” He wrote a lot of books for kids, teenagers and adults. Dahl wrote a lot of film scripts too.
H IS LIFE IN PILL Some history…
H IS LIFE IN PILL Roald Dahl was born in Wales – Died his father November He joined the Royal Air Force – Dahl was transferred to Washington July 1953 – Dahl married with Patricia Neal – American actress November 1990 – Roald Dahl died at the age of 74.
H IS … …books, plays, film scripts…
H IS BOOKS, PLAYS, FILM SCRIPTS … Children stories… - The twists - The BFG - Matilda - The Witches - The Gremlins Adult stories… - Kiss Kiss - Someone Like you - The best of Roald Dahl - Skin And Other Stories
H IS BOOKS, PLAYS, FILMSCRIPTS … Plays… - The Honeys Film scripts… - 36 Hours - You Only Live Twice - Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang - The Gremlins - The Night Digger - Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
G ALLERY - You must see it!
R OALD D AHL IN … Newspapers, films and…
R OALD D AHL IN … „British screenwriter in Hollywood!!! Roald Dahl wrote the screenplay for „Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”! In cinemas from March 1986!” „The BFG” Roald Dahl wrote his next book „The BFG”. In bookstores in February!
R OALD D AHL IN … „The best screenwriter in Hollywood!” Roald Dahl wrote „Alfred Hitchcock Presents!” Critics say, that is the best film in this year!
D O YOU REMEMBER ? Check your brain!
D O YOU REMEMBER ? C HECK YOUR BRAIN ! You have got 7 questins. The first question is very easy. I think, you can solve it, even you didn’t read anything. The second is more difficult than first. If you solve fifth- you are an expert!!! For each good answer you have got 5 points. Write your answers*** and count it, because… If you got 45 points or more- send your score to my . Suprised are waiting!!! My *** After each question you can chceck your answer.
Q UESTIONS 1.Roald Dahl- boy or girl? 2.Was Dahl screenwriter? 3.Dahl’s wife was… (name) 4.His film scripts … (2 films) 5.His first book …. 6.He dead in…. 7.True or false? -He was born in Australia. -He was born in He was a pilot. -He was an actor. -His wife was an actress. Check your answers!
A NSWERS 1.Boy 2.Yes. 3.Patricia Neal hours, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 5.A piece of cake F -T -F -T
Y OU CAN SEE IT ! -Roald Dahl- The Offical Web Site -Roald Dahl- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -Roald Dahl – Encyclopedia Britannica -Roald Dahl Fans –
Y OU SEE ?! You know a lot about Roald Dahl!