R4 Educational Activities Report S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, REA Chair IEEE Region 4 Meeting January 27-28, 2007 Marriott Hotel, Chicago
Educational Activities Responsibilities Coordinate the Educational Activities Provide Educational Programs for the Continuing Education (LLL) of R4 Members Actively Participate in Engineering Accreditation (IEEE, ABET, ASEE) Pre-College (K-12) Programs Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Expert IEEE Now Educational for Members to Enhance their Professional and Educational Experiences
Educational Resources IEEE Resources Region/Section and local resources (Universities, Industry, Government) can be used. e.g., seminars offered by universities and R4 e IT conferences IEEE Center for Education & Training provides a central platform for the collection, hosting and delivery of educational and training materials Learning Communities Xplore database, find a conference, learn about new technologies
Educational Resources – Cont. Educational programs to discuss vital issues in members ’ technical areas, the latest articles and papers, networking opportunities with others in the field, peer and expert advice to help you in your job, and so much more Encourage members to attend regular seminars, workshops, short courses, and conferences. Information about these educational activities are often available through Web sites, newsletters and eNotice
2006 Activities WMU Greater China Forum, Kalamazoo, March Engineering Education Conference, Fort Wayne March 31- April 1, 2006 (IPFW) e IT 2006 Conference, MSU, E. Lansing, MI May 7-10 IEEE/ABET Program Evaluators Workshop, Chicago, June 25, 2006 Visit to R10 (Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore), August 2006
06 Activities, Cont. ASEE Annual Conference, June, 2006, Chicago Research & New Directions Accreditation Issues Teaching & Learning w/Technology Online, Distance Education Course & Curriculum Innovations Capstone Design Laboratory Developments Pre-College Education IEEE Education Society AdCom
Conclusions Need To Encourage Closer Collaborations between: IEEE R4, Universities, Industry, Business & Government Ideas, Feedback: THANK YOU!