Chicago 2010 Space Selection Caroline Van Howe, ATIA Director of Programs ATIA Headquarters: Kendra Afeld Sara Haukap Scott Narug 1
General Information Day: Friday, October 30 Time: 6pm – 8pm Location: ATIA 2009 Chicago Conference / Exhibit Hall / AT Education Theater; Renaissance Schaumburg; Adventure / Discovery Halls 2
Eligibility ATIA Member Completed exhibitor application for Chicago 2010 received by October 19 50% deposit of booth fees for Chicago 2010 received by October 19 3
ATIA Membership Must be an ATIA member in the year 2009 Must express intent to be an ATIA member in membership fees will be due by March 31, 2010 Information about ATIA membership at: d= d=3682 4
Exhibitor Application New application for 2010 Chicago and 2011 Orlando Application can be used to sign up for 2010 Chicago, 2011 Orlando, or both conferences 5
Exhibitor Incentive New for ATIA Sign up for Chicago 2010 and Orlando 2011 by October 30 Receive onsite pricing ($1,650) for both conferences Choose space for Orlando 2011 immediately following the Chicago 2009 conference (prior to onsite space selection done at the Orlando 2010 conference) Must be an ATIA member 6
Booth Fees $1,650 Onsite Booth Rate (By Friday, November 6, 2009 for Chicago 2010; By Friday, February 5, 2010 for Orlando 2011) $1,650 New First Time ATIA Exhibitor Booth Rate $1,800 Standard Booth Rate $2,550 Non-Member Booth Rate 7
Small Companies Section of the exhibit hall for 2010 Chicago reserved for small companies ATIA Member who falls within the “Annual Revenue under $500K” category Booth space no larger than a 10x20 (200 total square feet). Exhibit Hall Layout 8
Priority Points Space selection is based on the ATIA priority point system; companies will select based upon their priority point totals and should plan to attend the space selection based on this assumption. If more than one company shares the same number of priority points, selection order will be determined at random before that point total begins at the space selection. Check your priority points and if any changes need to be made contact ATIA Headquarters 9
Earning Priority Points One priority point for each year of exhibiting (beginning in 1999) One priority point for each booth purchased (for current year’s show only; does not carry over into accumulated points) One priority point (except where noted in the prospectus as otherwise) for each year of sponsorship (beginning in 2004). Note: points will not be awarded for advertising or the passport to prizes program One priority point for each year of membership (beginning in 1999) 10
Loss or Transference of Priority Points Any company that does not participate in the trade show for two consecutive years will lose all earned exhibition points. Membership Points will remain intact. For any company that purchases another participating company, the two groups can not combine their earned priority points, but would be allowed to take the highest priority point total of either company as their official total. Merged companies wishing to maintain separate memberships of the business units will maintain their priority points as stand alone companies. 11
Loss or Transference of Priority Points For companies who did not have membership or exhibit points for a given year, but merged with or acquired a company that did earn points in that year, the new company may retain the point total for the merged or acquired company. Parent companies who wish to pick booth space for exhibiting subsidiaries or divisions may use the priority points of the parent company. 12
Loss or Transference of Priority Points Companies that are under another corporate umbrella who are later stand alone cannot take their points earned in previous years with the parent company. They would start from scratch. Companies who wish to exhibit together must choose space during the time slot of the company with the lowest number of points. 13
Rules & Requirements Each participating company should have one representative present at the space selection. If your company is unable to provide a representative during the correct time slot, Show Management will assign the best available booth space that is consistent in the size & space preferences indicated on your space application. 14
Rules & Requirements Exhibitors will have a maximum of 5 minutes to select booth space. Please come prepared with your preferred booth spaces. If an exhibiting company selects a booth size that differs from the square footage requested on the contract, a credit card number must be provided to pay for the additional deposit. 15
Rules & Requirements After the on-site space selection is complete, assignments for Members and Non-Members will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event the booth space you choose is not your first choice and you wish to relocate to a different booth or area which was occupied during the space selection process, you should submit a written request to relocate to show management. We will review these requests, and will contact you if occupied space becomes available. 16
Rules & Requirements All special cases will be evaluated and resolved at the discretion of Show Management. 17
Closing Questions? ATIA Headquarters: (877) Thanks for your time! 18