Chapter 14 Personal Care Section 1 Your Teeth and Gums
The Teeth and Gums Healthy teeth allow you to chew your food properly and speak clearly.
Structure of Teeth You have four types of teeth- Incisors, Premolars, Molars, and Canines. There are three basic parts of a tooth- The crown, the neck, and the root. Each tooth is made of three types of bonelike material. Enamel, cementum, and dentin.
The Gums The gum is the pink tissue that surrounds the base of your teeth and covers the bone around the teeth. Healthy gums fit tightly around the neck of each tooth like a collar, holding it firmly in place.
Structural Problems By the age of 3, most children have all of their first teeth, or primary teeth. Around the age of 5 or 6, the primary teeth begin to fall out. Over the next few years, the primary teeth are replaced by 28 permanent teeth. An additional 4 teeth, called wisdom teeth, usually grow in between the ages of 17 and 21. The changes that occur in the jaws throughout the growing years can lead to structural problems.
Malocclusion When the upper and lower teeth do not meet properly, aka imprpoper bite. When the upper teeth stick out too far its known as overbite. When the lower teeth stick out beyond the upper teeth, the condition is called underbite.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Some teens have their wisdom teeth surgically removed before they grow in because the teeth are impacted. If not removed, they have no where to go and may crowd other teeth, creating serious gum infections.
Caring for Your Teeth and Gums A healthy diet, proper tooth care, and regular dental checkups can prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Eat a diet low in sugar. Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar and produce acids that can destroy teeth. Brushing removes plaque. Brush at least twice a day. You should have dental checkups at least twice a year.
Not only will plaque destroy enamel, if plaque is not removed within 48 hours, it begins to harden into a material called tartar. First stage of gum disease is gingivitis- which is when the gums become red and swollen and bleed easily. In later stages, the build up of plaque and tartar causes the gums to pull away from the teeth and form pockets. Plaque, tartar, and food collect in the pockets, and gums become infected. It can lead to teeth falling out.
Chapter 14 Section 1 Review 1-5 15 points Due at the end of class
Section 2 Your Skin, Hair, and Nails The Skin The skin covers and protects the body from injury, infection, and water loss. The skin also helps to regulate body temperature and gathers information from the environment. Protection- skin shields and protects the organs and tissues beneath it. Keeps harmful substances out and keeps important fluids in the body. Temperature regulation- When you are warm, sweat glands in the skin produce perspiration, which cools the body. When you are cold, blood vessels narrow, keeping heat in the body.
Layers of skin Epidermis- outer layer. The part of the epidermis that comes in contact with the enviornment is made up of dead cells. Underneath those cells are living cells that continually produce new cells. Dermis- below the epidermis. Much thicker than the epidermis. It also contains blood vessels that bring nutrients to the skin. Sweat glands are also located in the dermis.
Caring for your skin Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and sleeping enough will keep your skin healthy. The most important things you can do for your skin, however, are to avoid damage from the sun and tanning lamps and to monitor moles.
Acne Common skin problem in teens. Hormones, heredity, and stress are some factors that influence acne outbreaks. The best defense against acne is keeping your skin clean.
Eczema A condition in which an area of skin becomes red, ,swollen, hot, and itchy. It is not contagious. Can be inherited. Also substances that irritate the skin can cause eczema. In most cases, it can be treated with medication applied to the skin.
Other skin infections Boils- swollen, painful infections of hair follicles caused by bacteria. Cold sores- clusters of watery blisters caused by a virus. Warts- hardened growths on the skin that are also caused by virus. Ringworm- skin infection caused by fungi that occur in warm, moist areas of the skin, Athletes foot- burning, itching, cracking, peeling of the skin in between the toes.
Hair Hair protects the scalp from sunlight and provides insulation from the cold. Hairs in the nostrils and ears and your eyelashes, prevent debris from entering the bod.
Nails The tough, platelike nails cover and protect the tips of your fingers and toes, which come in frequent contact with objects in your environment.