Fall 2012 Office on Diversity and Inclusion Leah Cox with Sally Scott, Director of Disability Resources Tracy Citeroni, Sociology Farhang Rouhani, Geography.


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Presentation transcript:

Fall 2012 Office on Diversity and Inclusion Leah Cox with Sally Scott, Director of Disability Resources Tracy Citeroni, Sociology Farhang Rouhani, Geography Debra Schleef, Sociology Students in SOCG 364 and 365

Demographics Overall N: 570 Gender: 77% female, 22% male, 1% other Disability: 13% Non-native English Speaker: 6% Year: First or less36% Second26 Third25 Four or more13

Demographics: Race/ethnicity Black6% Asian5 White76 Latino5 Multiracial5 Other3

Demographics: Family Income Less than 30K9% 30-50K10% 50-70K K K13 200K and up13

Demographics: Religion Protestant39% Catholic16 Other6 Agnostic10 Spiritual, no specific religion2 No religion/atheist/not given27

Demographics: Political Preference Left or far left17% Liberal31 Middle of the road29 Conservative18 Right or far right5 No response N = 14

Campus climate for diversity I feel a sense of acceptance and belonging at UMW Strongly disagree5% Disagree8 Agree59 Strong Agree29 I am satisfied with my campus experience on diversity Strongly disagree6% Disagree17 Agree60 Strong Agree17 The environment encourages appreciation for diversity Strongly disagree5% Disagree19 Agree54 Strong Agree22

Race / Ethnicity The faculty/staff here are respectful people of different races and ethnicities Strongly disagree2% Disagree3 Agree52 Strong Agree43 The students here are respectful of people of different races and ethnicities Strongly disagree3% Disagree6 Agree61 Strong Agree30

Gender Identity People of different gender identities and expressions are accepted socially Strongly disagree3% Disagree6 Agree59 Strong Agree33 Faculty/staff are respectful of different gender identities and expression Strongly disagree2% Disagree2 Agree57 Strong Agree39

Students with Disabilities Faculty/staff are accepting of students with disabilities Strongly disagree1% Disagree2 Agree57 Strong Agree40 Students are accepting of students with disabilities Strongly disagree2% Disagree5 Agree60 Strong Agree33

Experiences of Discrimination Felt discrimination because gay Very often to often1% Occasionally3 Felt discrimination because non-English speaker Very often to often<1% Occasionally10 Felt discrimination because of SES Very often to often1% Occasionally5 Felt discrimination because disabled Very often to often<1% Occasionally2 Felt discrimination because of race/ethnicity Very often to often3% Occasionally6 Felt discrimination because of gender Very often to often3% Occasionally7 When asked to describe experiences of discrimination qualitatively, 152 students (27%) did so.

Contact with Diverse Students: Average Score (1= Very Frequent Contact, 5 = No Contact) Before UMWAt UMW Contact with African Americans Contact with Native Americans Contact with Asians Contact with Latinos Contact with non-English speakers Contact with people of different SES Contact with people of different religions Contact with people with disabilities Contact with people from other countries Contact with people with different politics Contact with people with gender identities different from my own

Qualitative Comments: Discrimination Accounts Called offensive names based on sexual orientation; roommate not tolerant of my sexual orientation; remarks from people about kissing my partner in public The right wing political views that tend to go with Catholicism have also made me a target, being that I am liberal. Students and teachers alike have personally discriminated against me inside, and outside of class for my political affiliation as a republican. I have been discriminated against as a female by a few professors who have not given me the same respect as they have to men Stuff like "ADD isn't a real disability" "You wouldn't be in such pain if you weren't fat" Age is not consider your survey. We have a lot of older students and they are often shunned by other, younger students. I was part of a LLC that was all white with the exception of one other student and myself. The program assistant barely talked to me and I felt left out of most of the discussions I have heard a few people use the N word. I have heard many people say things like certain African American holidays are unimportant. I have even heard someone talk about slavery. It is really minor compared to others I have heard. Just students making remarks about the fact that I wear the hijjab (scarf). Student commenting on the way I dress. In a classroom where I've been called out for not being educated enough for this establishment. I also have been told I belonged in a community college by a professor but I voiced my opinions so there won't be anymore of that happening anytime soon. my dad is what i would consider upper middle class, but i have not been supported by him since i was 18 (11 years) and would consider myself impoverished at many points in my life. i believe the socioeconomic status of the majority of students here at UMW lends itself to an unawareness of many peoples' realities. Assumptions that I cannot do something because of being female. One of my teachers said that my family in Pakistan could be terrorists.

Comfort with Students: Average Score (1= Not Comfortable, 4 = Very Comfortable) Studying Living With African American Native American Asian Latino Middle Easterner Student with Disability International Student Gay Man3.59[2.72] Heterosexual ManNA[3.55] Lesbian3.56[2.94] Heterosexual WomanNA[3.53] Transgender student3.37NA

Satisfaction with and awareness of programs Average Score (1= Very unsatisfied, 4 = Very Satisfied) Programs to increase awareness of diversity 3.116% not aware Programs to increase respect for diverse cultures3.114% not aware Programs to further gender equality3.122% not aware Opportunities for me to interact with diverse persons on campus 2.916% not aware Services addressing the needs of individuals of diverse religions3.028% not aware Services addressing the needs of persons with disabilities 3.129% not aware Services addressing the needs of international students3.135% not aware Services addressing the needs of LGBT students3.130% not aware

Campus climate (Cont.) The president and other administrators foster respect for diversity Disagree4% Agree96 The president and other administrators foster accessibility for persons with disabilities Disagree5% Agree95 Curriculum adequately represents the contributions of a variety of groups Disagree14% Agree86 Compared to other colleges, the UMW environment is more accepting of diverse backgrounds and cultures Disagree27% Agree73 I need to hide some characteristics of who I am to fit in here Disagree29% Agree71