Industrial Hygiene/ Occupational Safety Special Interest Group A resource to industrial hygiene/occupational safety professionals within the DOE community 1
Network of personnel from the DOE community involved in sharing industrial hygiene/occupational safety information 317 Members of the IH/OS SIG as of Sponsored by the DOE Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy (AU-11) DOE Advisor David Weitzman Managed by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education IH/OS SIG 2
Exchange information through: - DOE TSL Listserv tool: Questions - heat stress conditions/physiological monitoring - WIPP Request - other sites’ worker safety and health program – wanted to benchmark their program against other sites. - Office of Legacy Management DOE Operating Experience Document - Meetings such as the SIG Steering Committee conference calls and the annual DOE and DOE Industrial Hygiene Contractors meeting Webinar tool Conference calls In-person meetings - IH/OS SIG Website ( IH/OS SIG 3
Deborah McFalls Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Phone: 865/ Website: Contact Information 4