INTRODUCTION There scientific name is Panthera Leo They are big cats Very self confident Different from other cats very social and live in packs Only lion that lives in packs
WHAT LIONS LOOKS LIKE Very strong legs Big sharp teeth 3inches Big!!!!!!!!!!! Males have manes females don’t Males length is between 5 feet and 8 feet Females length is between 4feet and 7 feet Males height is around 4 feet Females height is also close to 4 feet They have wide and very big noses Their fur color is a creamy/light brown Shoulder height is 4ft [males]3ft [females] Round ears some big some small
MORE OF WHAT A LION LOOKS LIKE The big tooth is not the K9, it’s the Canassial Soft paws Males tail is as big as 3 to 5ft Females tail 2 to 4ft Makes lots of faces to express themselves Dark and light manes[male
HOW LONG LIONS LIVE Lions in the wild live up to 15 years Lions in captivity live up to 30 years[Captivity means a zoo or an enclosure] Lions may die if they are hunted but that is rare Lions lives may come short if the get sick
WHERE THEY LIVE Most lions live in Africa's grasslands and mountains Some live in India but very few do Lions cover lots of Africa but not the Sahara its to hot for lions They mostly like to live in shady parts in there habitat
CLIMATE NEAR THEM In the summer its very hot In the winter it can go down to 40 below They have around 10 inches of rain each year In late spring it gets summer heat in late fall it gets cold but not very cold…YET
LANDFORMS Lions live in the grass of Africa Lions also live in the mountains of Africa The lions in India also live in grasslands Very few trees are in the grasslands Some African mountains are close to African grasslands
CARNIVORES Lions are carnivore Carnivores are animals that eat other animals Lions eat lots of animals carnivores and herbivores and omnivores They usually get there prey by using there strong legs,weight,claws,and teeth
PREY AND PREDATORS Lions are predators They eat Wildebeast,Impala,Zebras,Girrafes,Buffalo and wild hogs There prey are humans and cubs with other cats also Hyenas Hyenas sometimes take down a single lion but sometimes
BEHAVIOR The main job of a lion is to protect its territory from others Males fight to be king of the pride Lions sleep mostly the hole day because they hunt at night Lions communicate with roars so they know where everyone is Females hunt for the pride so the males “protect” the prides territory
BABIES After 8 weeks cubs move out of dens and in the pride They have 1-6 cubs The cubs usually stay with their parents till age 7 When they are young they fight with each other to learn how to protect themselves They usually stay with their pride when they hunt
PHYSICAL ADAPTATIONS Lions have light brown fur to blend with the grass. When grown up they have 3 inch long fangs to bite through their food. They have soft paws to help sneak up on prey. Males manes protect their neck during fights. Manes help them intimidate opponants They have big noses to help them smell prey
PHYSIOLOGICAL Strong muscles that allow them to run and jump Very muscular upper body that helps them take down prey Big lungs help them breathe when chasing prey Their eye structures helps them have great night vision They have great hearing that helps them hear prey miles away
SUPER FUN FACTS The heaviest lion on record weighed 826lb Less than 200 lions remain in India/Asia Lions are special because in caveman's drawings that were from 300BC Lions use to be all over Africa now only south of the Sahara Lions in Africa are half of what they were in the 1950’s Only 21,000 are left in Africa