1 Online Classroom Discussions: Learning Transformations & Issues Carol DeArment, Ed.D. Instructional Designer Center for Instructional Development & Distance Education (CIDDE) University of Pittsburgh Carol DeArment, Ed.D. Instructional Designer Center for Instructional Development & Distance Education (CIDDE) University of Pittsburgh
2 OverviewOverview ○ Introduction/Background ○ A qualitative ethnographic case study ○ How can online text-messaging tools be used to connect learning theories & teaching practices? ○ Concrete ways Pitt faculty have used these tools for better teaching and learning ○ Broader Issues….. ○ Introduction/Background ○ A qualitative ethnographic case study ○ How can online text-messaging tools be used to connect learning theories & teaching practices? ○ Concrete ways Pitt faculty have used these tools for better teaching and learning ○ Broader Issues…..
3 Center for Instructional Development & Distance Education (CIDDE)
4 Growth in Courses at Pitt Using CMS (Blackboard) components
5 Faculty Training in Blackboard IT & ID
6 Learner is at center
7 Theory ↔ Practice (from “Mapping the Learning Space: Deeper Learning and Learning Principles in NLII’s “Mapping the Learning Space”
8 My Study: Online Text-Messaging Tools ( , Discussion Board, Virtual Classroom) B-R-I-D-G-E Practice ↔ Theory Discussion Active Learning Discussion Active Learning Writing Collaborative Writing Collaborative Reading Learning Reading Learning Interaction Interaction *Benchmarks cited by George Kuh, 2000, National Survey of Student Engagement B-R-I-D-G-E Practice ↔ Theory Discussion Active Learning Discussion Active Learning Writing Collaborative Writing Collaborative Reading Learning Reading Learning Interaction Interaction *Benchmarks cited by George Kuh, 2000, National Survey of Student Engagement
9 What do these tools look like? Discussion Board Threads Discussion Board Threads
10 An asynchronous message Current Forum: Unit 5: History Status: Archived Date: Mon Jun :17 pm Author: JAMES Subject: Re: Baker as Archivist I am not so sure that I would refer to Baker as an archivist. I think that his attatchement to the card catalog and to newspapers places him more along the lines of a collector. The reason for this is that he never really deals with the question of selection. One of the prime pricicples of archives is that it is impossible to keep everything. Is Baker really to have us believe that it necessary to keep every card catalog in order to preserve it as an historical document? If so why do we not do the same with every record produced by the federal government? Or is it possible to preserve a representative example to illustrate the how they were constructed and mainatained. The same goes for newspapers. Again I ask are we really to believe that it essential to maintain an orginal copy of every newspaper printed? Again Baker fails to deal with the reality that selection is essential for archives and libraries. This is not to say that, through organizational cooperation in the developmnent of acquisition and appraisal policies, that organizations cannot provide a more comprehensive universe of documentation, but the reality is choices must be made. Though it may be difficult to decide what is to continue to be preserved and in what form, it the duty of archivists, librarians, and curators to do so.
11 Virtual Classroom Archives Virtual Classroom Session with Guest Expert KATHLEEN has entered. [ 03:43:16 PM ] KATHLEEN > Hello to anyone that may be there! RENE has entered. [ 03:43:43 PM ] RENE > Hi there. Rene is here. where are you? KATHLEEN > Home! RENE > I am in Hillman with Mary. KATHLEEN > good place to be for this discussion! RENE > Being at home is pretty good too! ARLENE has entered. [ 03:47:43 PM ] ARLENE > Hello Kathy, Rene, (and Mary?) RENE > Hi there! KATHLEEN > Hello! KATHLEEN > I just sent you a short Dr. T.
12 Blackboard Daily Stats: Use of Online Tools in the Course
13 Data Collection Data Collection Faculty Perceptions ↔ Student Perceptions Interviews Focus groups Observations Think-aloud protocols SurveysDocuments
14 How data was sorted & analyzed
Data: A Scaffold for Learning Deeper Learning ↑ Higher-level, Critical Thinking Metacognitive Awareness Engagement (Active) Interaction/collaboration (social) ENTER HERE ↑ Deeper Learning ↑ Higher-level, Critical Thinking Metacognitive Awareness Engagement (Active) Interaction/collaboration (social) ENTER HERE ↑
16 What I learned How can online text-messaging tools support learner- centered theory and practice? (Refer to the detailed “Scaffold” handout.) How can online text-messaging tools support learner- centered theory and practice? (Refer to the detailed “Scaffold” handout.)
17 What I learned Guidelines (Refer to “Guidelines” handout.)
18 Evaluating assignments and postings. (Refer to “Evaluation” handout.)
19 IssuesIssues ○ Does participation in online discussions add to or replace previous learning activities? ○ Does use of these tools create a burdensome amount of time instructor and students have to spend reading and writing messages? ○ Who has control of the discussion space— instructor, students, or both? ○ Does participation in online discussions add to or replace previous learning activities? ○ Does use of these tools create a burdensome amount of time instructor and students have to spend reading and writing messages? ○ Who has control of the discussion space— instructor, students, or both?
20 How other Pitt faculty have been using these tools
21 DiscussionDiscussion Refer to supplemental handouts.