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Introducing No More Snore
Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping.breathingsleeping While sleeping muscles of the throat relaxes. When this happens, your airway narrows causing snoring In some cases the sound may be soft, but in other cases, it can be rather loud and quite unpleasant. Generally speaking, the structures involved are the uvula and soft palate.uvulasoft palate ‘SNORING’………..
TO SNORERS i)May increase risk of heart attack (+34%) and stroke (+67%) ii)Risk of brain damage and increased blood pressure iii)Sleep Apnea TO PARTNERS i)Sleep Depriviation (chronic or acute) – by about ≥670hrs per year and thereby daytime drawsiness, irritability, lack of focus and decreased Libido ii)Significant psychological and social damage (up to Divorce in western countries) IMPACTS OF Snoring……. OBESITY Excess fat in the neck area reduces space for air moment HYPOTONIA (Muscle Weakness) Due to aging ABNORMAL ANATOMY OF AIRWAY i) If your nose suffered a Trauma during accident. ii)The tongue, tonsils, uvula and/or soft palate may become enlarged ALCOHOL AND MEDICINE Sedatives and muscle relaxants CAUSES OF Snoring……. 1
No More Snore (Anti-snoring clip) 1.Notch – For easy removal of clip from the nose 2.Base Arm – Separates two arms from each other 3.Two Parallel Arms – Fits within the nose of the wearer and surrounds the septum within the nose (Ends of these arms are curved inwards to apply a constant pressure against the septum of the nose.) 4.Magnets – Special type of magnets with specific gauss power generates specific magnetic field which stimulates local sensory nerves which helps reduce snoring Magnets also stimulate flow of Blood present inside Blood capillaries by stimulating Hb; a type of Iron. (Also helps in applying constant pressure) 5.Bulbous Protrusions – Retains magnets
Advantages over other Available Products Small and much more Effective Made up of Non-Toxic material Reusable up to 6 months Quick Results within 2-3 weeks only Comfortable to use Offered at Very Low Cost (Rs.325/- ONLY) ABSOLUTELY NO SIDE EFFECTS as there is no use of any chemicals, medicines or similar ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Comparison over Existing Products Breathe Right (strips) Silence (Spray) SNOROFF (Ayurvedic capsules) No More Snore Price Rs15 for 2 strips Rs.450/ 50ml Rs. 150/ 15capsules Rs. 325 Use Use & throw Buy again Reusable Effects in days days days12-20 days Made- up of Non-toxic material ChemicalsAyurvedic formulation Non-toxic material Side Effects Possible No Use of 1 pack 7 days30 days15 daysUp to 6 months Parameters Products ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Keep away from children as they may swallow it This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text Go ahead and replace it with your own text Keep away from Direct sunlight as it may deform plastic material and also it can reduce power of magnets After its use, keep product back in its Special container provided. This will ensure long life of magnets and thereby product’s Precautions…… Avoid cross-using to prevent any cross infection