Edinburgh University Experimental Particle Physics Alasdair Earl PPARC eScience Summer School September 2002
Overview n What is Edinburgh PPE involved with –GridPP –BaBarGrid –ScotGrid –European DataGrid n Projects I am involved with –all of the above and more …
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
622Mb/s UK Internal 2x2.5Gb/s
BdbServer: Old Design BdbServer, intended to make life easy for Data Distribution Tools User Request BdbServer Completed Notification User transfers data by preferred means
New Computing Model Kanga, MC Production Processing Tier A Tier C Tier B ObjectivityCPU’s, Storage Edinburgh Etc... Regional Centres (to be created)
BdbServer++ outline Web Browser Web Server EDG RB Globus / EDG / SRB Client SLACother... MySQL Database Data Authentication & request World Wide WebHttps TCP/IP ssh
n Globus 2.0 n EDG Client software n Storage Resource Broker n Improves custom software n 2 packages become 1 (BdbServer + BdbCopyJob) n Generic Interface for future work BdbServer++ outline
ScotGRID outline
n Dalwhinnie –Quad Intel PIII Zeon –16GB RAM –5TB RAID Array –1Gbit to SHRIF Network –Globus 2.1, EU DataGrid WP1, 2, 6, 8? –Soon to be upgraded Edinburgh ScotGRID outline
n Grid Certificates n Virtual Organisations n Gatekeeper / Resource Broker n Grid FTP What’s useful ….
n Resource Overhead (latency etc) n lack of central resource for info n communication overhead (encryption) n communication deficit (between areas) n need for an expertise site n politics What’s not ….