Board & Committee Orientation Gary Hamilton, J.D. Professor The Collins College of Hospitality Management Cal Poly Pomona
Learning Objectives (Pre- Application) By the conclusion of this session you should be able to understand the following concepts: The Structure and Organization of Committees The Duties of the Chair, Committee Member(s), and the Role of the G.M. Volunteerism: The Positives and Pitfalls Club Bylaws Club Policies and Rules: How they’re different from club bylaws Committee Operations and Strategies Categories of Committee Position Descriptions for Committees How to Conduct an Effective Committee Meeting Defining and Implementing Committee Orientations
Committee Membership Chair appointed by Board or President Understanding the Volunteer Mentality
Committee Membership: Chair Functions Committee size Meeting frequency Agenda When Committee meets
Responsibilities of Club Committees Admitting new members Establishing membership criteria Determining club rules/rule enforcement Responding to member needs
Responsibilities of Club Committees Forming a strategic plan for the club Planning club events/traditions Determining land/resource use Creating a remodeling refurbishing plan Revising guest policies/By laws
Committee Best Practices Committees Chaired by Board Member Oversight and Compliance with club policies and procedures Support of policies and procedures Member selection for Board service
Committee Best Practices One Committee per volunteer Chair: one year term Committee members max. 3 years Previous service preferred
Committee Guidelines President Ex Officio of all Committees GM and staff act as a resources to Committee Committees work through the GM BOD member a liaison
Committee Guidelines Committees are advisory Record keeping Regularly report out actions to Board All member communication/complaints in writing
Volunteer Limitations No coaching or disciplining employees No performance evaluations Don’t hire staff Don’t schedule Don’t set rewards
Job Description: Executive Committee Standing Committee Acts as Board between scheduled meetings Actions and resolutions require unanimous approval of those present
Job Description: Executive Committee Review Board agenda in advance Act as the Board’s Executive Compensation Committee Establish policies for senior management Establish specific salaries Determine annual threshold of bonus
Job Description: Executive Committee Suggested Committee Composition President – Chair VP Secretary-Treasurer
Job Description: Finance & Audit Committee Standing Committee Guides financial policies advisory both long and short term
Job Description: Finance & Audit Committee Standing Committee Guides financial policies Advisory, both long and short term Oversight of the clubs financial well being
Job Description: Finance & Audit Committee Responsibilities: Financial reports Policy Budgeting Accountability Internal control
Job Description: Finance & Audit Committee Responsibilities: Information processing Risk management Government compliance (IRS) Capital expenditures Audits
Job Description: Finance & Audit Committee Suggested Committee Composition Treasurer Board member 5-7 volunteers
Job Description: Golf Committee Responsibilities: Advise on policies on golf programs Oversight of operations with periodic reports Assist Director of Golf in developing & communicating policy implementation USGA “Rules of Golf” Evaluate non-member policies Event assistance
Job Description: Golf Committee Suggested Committee Composition Chair of Green Committee 7-9 volunteers (1 Board member) Tournament Chairs (Ex officio)
Job Description: Green Committee Responsibilities: Member link to Maintenance Coordinate w/ Director of Golf & GM Establish course set up (grass height, flag placement, etc.) Member communication Respond to member criticism
Job Description: Green Committee Responsibilities: Understand operations needs and constraints Coordinate w/ Superintendent Advise on operational budget issues Provide guidance on all other areas as needed
Job Description: Green Committee Responsibilities: Understand operations needs and constraints Coordinate w/ Superintendent Advise on operational budget issues Provide guidance on all other areas as needed
Job Description: Green Committee Suggested Committee Composition Chair of Golf Committee (Ex officio) 7-9 volunteers (1 Board member)
Job Description: House Committee Standing Committee regarding food & beverage standards of quality and service Monitor financial performance Promote events Evaluate member requests Advisory on policy matters
Job Description: House Committee Monitors clubhouse facilities Provides communication link to membership All other duties as assigned
Job Description: House Committee Suggested Committee Composition 7-9 volunteers (2 Board member)
Job Description: Membership, Marketing & Communication Committee Oversight of Membership Process Communication liaison: Effective & timely Coordinate w/ appropriate sub groups (e.g., The Association)
Job Description: Membership, Marketing & Communication Committee Responsibilities: Review Membership classes for optimal subscription Develop membership policies for applicants Monitor trends Recommend services to attract members
Job Description: Membership, Marketing & Communication Committee Responsibilities: Monitor new member orientation Advise and consult as needed
Job Description: Membership, Marketing & Communication Committee Suggested Committee Composition 7-9 volunteers (2 Board member)
Job Description: Strategic Planning Committee Responsibilities: Long range planning Master plan development Establish Mission, Values, & Vision
Job Description: Strategic Planning Committee Suggested Committee Composition 10 volunteers (all Board members, ex- President)
Job Description: Rules Infraction Committee Standing Committee to enforce the by laws & club rules Discipline / sanction members for conduct violative of club rules
Job Description: Rules Infraction Committee Suggested Committee Composition 3 volunteers (1Board member)
Job Description: Nominating Committee Standing Committee to establish a slate of candidates for Board service
Job Description: Nominating Committee Suggested Committee Composition 3 volunteers (1Board member)
Commentary on Committee Operations Committees can be and should be important, contributing units in most clubs. At times committees need to be stimulated; at other times they need to be held in check.
Commentary on Committee Operations With the exception of the Board, Executive and Nominating committees, they should be advisory.
Commentary on Committee Operations Project-oriented standing committees and their chairs work in concert with the general manager and the board of directors. The club cannot be run by committees, but rather should be stimulated and supported by them. Committees at an investor owned club are different, particularly in style.
Commentary on Committee Operations Committees provide a vital link to the membership. The president should be aware of other factors such as sex, age, club usage, and other characteristics when appointing members. Every year the president should appoint committee chairs, affirm committees’ roles, and charge them with specific tasks and objectives.
Commentary on Committee Operations Additional considerations: Officers and Directors / Fiduciary Duties Oversight: internal / external Position Description Rationale Volunteer leaders are more effective Volunteer leaders have access to important information
Commentary on Committee Operations Position Description Rationale Clubs enjoy greater consistency among volunteer leaders Position descriptions shorten the amount of time needed to learn the committee’s function and role of committee members
Commentary on Committee Operations Position Description Rationale Provides continuity in committee’s work despite changing membership Helps committee members avoid duplication of efforts or conflicts with other governing bodies
Committee Operations: Creating a Record of Meetings Committee Minutes - Distribution - Reports - Agendas
Committee Operations: Creating a Record of Meetings Action Items - Roberts Rules of Order - Voting rights / tabulation - In camera sessions
Committee Operations: Creating a Record of Meetings Every committee or task force should maintain a binder or file of all key materials to be conveyed to the members appointed for the next term.
Committee Operations: Creating a Record of Meetings Minutes should be concise and reflect actions taken and decisions reached. Assignments of responsibility should be noted. Staff should draft the minutes for approval by the chairperson.
Committee Operations: Creating a Record of Meetings A Committee Binder (or file) includes: Agendas for the coming meeting Minutes of the last 2-3 meetings The committee duties and responsibilities Program / project plans Budget reports Appropriate correspondence
Committee Operations: Creating a Record of Meetings A Committee Binder (or file) includes: List of committee members / address / phone numbers Polices of the club of concern to the committee Appropriate reporting / requisition forms, if any Other exhibits / summaries / charts and graphs
Committee Operations Committee Types Standing Special Ad Hoc
Committee Operations: Committee Types Standing Committees Are specified in the bylaws. Types include: Board, Executive, Nominating, Membership, House & Green.
Committee Operations Committee Types Special Committees Appointed by the President to oversee a project, for a specified length of time, e.g., the long-range planning committee. Other examples include: insurance / risk management, personnel, or government relations (public affairs).
Committee Operations: Committee Types Ad Hoc Committees These are consulting groups of short tenure. Ad hoc committees are charged with the investigation of some specific club question.
Rules for Chairs (and General Managers) Control the flow of a balanced discussion Talk only to the group (avoid sidebars) Involve all members
Rules for Chairs (and General Managers) Ensure speakers are heard by all members Clarify issues before moving to next topic Remain neutral, but positive Minimize conflict, stress consensus, review progress
Learning Applications Now that you’ve completed the session: On a personal level, what is the most important concept you’ve learned from this session? What idea(s) will you take back and share with your staff? What concept(s) will you want to share with your membership? Which concept(s) will be important for you to share with the President/Board? What do think will be your biggest challenge to implementation of any of these concepts?
BOARD & COMMITTEE ORIENTATION Gary Hamilton, J.D. Interim Associate Vice President, Office of Faculty Affairs Professor The Collins College of Hospitality Management Cal Poly Pomona