Study Spanish A resource for students struggling to learn a second language. Jim Fenton Adam Schafer Corey Stevens
Goals and Objectives Original Goals: Attempted to use technology to make language learning more immersive, easier for the student while increasing their speaking or writing skills. Would have used videos as well as interactive assignments, games and quizzes to streamline learning and make it interesting for the learner. Unrealistic. This could be designed and produced by people who have the technical skill. However, our technical skill limited what we could and could not do with this project and so we had to change. Current Goals: Provide a language learning resource for students who are struggling with certain topics. “Flip” the instruction from a classroom activity to a home activity which effectively increases time in class that can be spent on practice. Make the student more comfortable with language learning in a higher stress classroom environment.
User Needs Students are mobile! They need something that is easy to access, that can be accessed from a desktop computer as well as from a phone or a tablet. This should be able to be accessed in class as well. Despite being digital natives, many of our users have trouble with the more technical aspects of the internet. o They will not know where to find the information they need. They won’t know how to determine if it is trustworthy either. o Things like logging in or a confusing layout will make tasks for our users much more difficult.
Learning Theory A.D.D. I.E.
Old Flowchart
Site Study Spanish
Usability Testing (still working on it) Heuristic Analysis Cognitive Walkthrough o University Students o End Users