Project Dissemination Plan
Planning for dissemination Several questions: – What (the message) – To whom (the audience) – How (the method) – When (the timing) PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
The message Clear, simple and easy to understand. The language should be appropriate for the target audience Messages should be tailored to the receiver Possibility of using the results of previous projects to enhance the impact PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
The audience Different groups: – General public – Farmers – Scientists – Other stakeholders PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
The method It is important to select the right one to get the message to the target audience and achieve our purpose Two working lines – All partners – Each country PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
The method (2): all partners Project webpage Press release Project brochure / card Presentation at IFOAM Congress Poster at BioFach PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN Stakeholders General public
The method (3): each country Specific webpages (Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Slovenia, Czech Rep., Portugal, Finland) Articles in organic magazines (Estonia, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Spain, Czech Rep., Finland) Workshops (Poland, Hungary, Czech Rep., Finland, Spain) Farmers PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
The method (4): each country Articles in scientific magazines (Estonia, Italy, Finland) Workshops (Poland, Finland) Conferences (Italy, Spain) Posters in conferences (Germany, Finland) Scientists PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
The method (5): each country Specific webpages (Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Slovenia, Czech Rep., Portugal, Finland) Articles in organic magazines (Poland, Estonia, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Czech Rep., Finland) Conferences / Seminars (Italy, Finland, Poland, Czech Rep.) Other stakeholders PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
The timing Some of the activities have already started Many are already planned for PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN
Thank you very much for your attention!! PROJECT DISSEMINATION PLAN