Spain’s transition to democracy has allowed more freedom for media A significant trend for the press of Spain is the move toward privatization of the media industry where many smaller media businesses are put in the hands of larger media conglomerates. Over time, the audiovisual media market has overtaken traditional print media
As of 2013, there are 35,705,960 Internet users (74.8% penetration, per ITU) Telephones (Landlines): million Mobile Phones: million In % of people used internet In % of people use internet Broadband (ADSL) or Dial Up (Internet Service Providers) Popular access Internet cafes, mobile phones
Use of social media is a regular daily activity for many people Twitter is very popular and is used as a local platform using English as a way to encourage networking on a global level. Video sharing makes up 87% of total internet use › 8 million registered YouTube users Most used social network: Facebook › As of 2012, there are 17,590,500 Facebook subscribers
Telefonica most powerful and spreads use of ADSL (high speed) technology by offering customers internet and television services 4 mobile communication companies: › Movistar (makes up 65% of population and is dominant operator part of Telefonica) › Vodafone › Orange › Yoigo
Due to economical issues, newspapers have declined as of 2009 Newspapers and magazines are funded by advertising revenues but revenues dropped 20% in Advertising brings in 50% to 70% of the income of Spanish newspapers and magazines. › Newspapers and magazines are mainly privately owned. › 20 newspapers control about 70% of the total newspaper circulation and about 60% of all these newspapers are owned by regional daily press groups such as Prensa Ibérica; or by foreign capital such as Recoletos (owned by Pearson); or by the three Spanish media groups: Prisa, Correo and Zeta.
Spain has a mixture of both privately and publicly owned TV and radio stations There are over hundreds of radio stations and television channels (national, regional, and international) Satellite and Cable systems are available No license fees most $$ obtained from advertising (except RNE)
Spain has two public broadcasting systems that coexist: a national broadcasting channel called Radio y Television Espanola (RTVE) and other regional channels/stations that broadcast only in specific autonomous communities RTVE was funded by public and private advertising sources until 2008; the government decided that in 2009 RTVE would be funded by taxpayer money and private money raised by Spain’s private TV stations in order to remove advertising from broadcasting. A TV license fee has been suggested but not successful in implementation. In comparison, regional channels regulate under a public broadcasting system similar to RTVE but content is aired in their own official language (i.e. Catalan, Basque, Galicia) These regional networks are funded publicly and allow private advertising on the air. Regional channels are also managed by public companies and depend on the regional (CCAA) parliaments for top up finance. Canal+ is a pay TV service with some advertising but with many subscribers and Canal Satellite Digital has large numbers of subscribers.
Newspapers › Total sales: around 4.2 million › Circulation: 107 copies per 1,000 people › Most popular-El Pais, El Mundo, ABC › Covers national, regional, and local news Magazines › 350 periodicals but small circulation (monthly circulation of sports, women’s, and TV magazines › Commentate on lives of the rich and famous (avoid scandals, focus on more positive stories) › Most popular-Pronto and Hola
Fragmented Market Over 90% of the population watches television daily. On average, Spaniards watch more than 3 hours of television per day. Most Spaniards rely on television rather than newspapers as their primary source of news They watch television at home but also in bars and cafes Most popular channels – La 1(La Una formerly known as TVE; national and public), Antena 3 (national), Telecinco (national), Cuatro, and La Dos (2)
# of radio receivers: over 13 million The audience for radio news in Spain is greater than that of print media, but smaller than that of television Consumption (per day): 95 minutes Top stations: Radio Nacional de España (RNE), Cadena de Ondas Populares (COPE), Cadena SER, and Onda Cero National and regional stations in different languages
Today, self-censorship is more common due to media organizations not wanting the government involvement Internet-no censorship (government grants freedom of speech and the press since Spain moved to a public democracy Constitution of 1978 guaranteed the rights of a free press and outlawed prior censorship under the Franco dictatorship
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for (2012). Retrieved March 18, 2015, from &dlid=204341#wrapper &dlid=204341#wrapper Europe: Spain. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from European Union Internet Usage and Population Stats. (2014). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from Internet access. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from Internet/Internet-access Internet/Internet-access Internet in Spain. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2015, from FixedBroadbandITUDynamic FixedBroadbandITUDynamic Magazines in Spain. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2015, from Mobile phones. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from Internet/Mobile-phones Internet/Mobile-phones National Broadcast Media in Spain. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2015, from
Newspapers in Spain. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2015, from Percentage of Individuals using the Internet in (2013). International Telecommunications Union (Geneva). Retrieved March 17, 2015 Public Broadcasting. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, Excel Doc. Sallaverria, R., & Gómez Baceiredo, B. (2009). Spain - Media Landscape. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from Social media guide. (2014). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from spain/social-media-guide-for-spain/ spain/social-media-guide-for-spain/ Spain. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from Spain Newspapers - Spain Newspaper & News Media Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from Spain profile. (2012). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from