How DITA changed the TechComm Landscape Julio J. Vazquez
What I’ll cover Some history The role of SGML Structured authoring Topic-based and task-based The role of XML How DITA differs from XML Before and after DITA (the evolution) Pushing boundaries What’s on the horizon?
Some history Typewriters ISIL GML Word/Desktop Publishers SGML Structured Authoring XML DITA
The role of SGML Added structural semantics to information Built monolithic structures Supported narrative authoring Defined a way to present semantics in output
Structured Authoring Basis of information architecture Plan entire structure Building blocks for larger constructs Focus on smaller units Assemble larger documents from blocks Reuse the units when possible
Topic-based and Task-based Basically similar Topics come from plan Plan may not reflect user tasks Task-based starts with how to do Related information grows from tasks Unrelated information unnecessary
The role of XML XML describes information Each piece of information is a type of something Enforces a simple structure Allows transforms to other types of coding (text, HTML) Has a querying language Does not require any descriptor Good for programming data
How DITA differs from XML Designed for documentation Supports topic-based writing Defines a reuse implementation Structure and processing description Defines webbing Defines interfaces with non-DITA information Defines an extension mechanism
Before and after DITA (the evolution) BeforeAfter We told readers how things worked. We tell users how to use things. We wrote information linearly.We write individual units as needed. All information was part of a book. All information comprise topics to be used wherever needed. Technical Communicators were regarded as necessary evils that were lower in the product development food chain. Technical Communicators are product development partners to be involved in all phases of the product to ensure user- centered products
Before and after DITA (the evolution) BeforeAfter Technical communicators just passed information from developers to consumers. Technical communicators drive information design and delivery based on consumer needs. Good English skills, knowledge of DTP tools, and some technical background needed. Information analysis, information structure, reuse design, good English skills, reporting skills, minimalism, knowledge of XML, and understanding of single- sourcing.
Pushing boundaries Specializations –Learning –Hardware Taxonomy DITA Wiki Quark Word Plug-in DITA with video (MPEG-7)
What’s on the horizon Technical Committees –Business –Pharma –Publications? DITA to WebHelp More multimedia DITA Ecosystem Workflow management DITA as part of products