Vietnam: War in Southeast Asia Sequence Map of Events:
Warm Up ISN pg. 97 Describe what you see in the picture.
ISN pg. 98 EQs: Why did the US send troops to Vietnam? How did the U.S. lose the war when Vietnam lost more people? Vietnam: On binder paper, create a sequence map, number 6 boxes: each as follows: Date: Event:
1.Vietnam struggles with France 1919: WWI ends and the peace treaty intended to guarantee all people the right to their own future Vietnam wanted independence from France but was refused Ho Chi Minh sought independence for Viet Nam and vowed to make it happen
s: Ho Chi Minh: Leader of Communism in France France crushed any attempts for independence Communism rejected colonialism Ho Chi Minh returned to Vietnam to build a communist movement and gain independence During WWII, he organized the Viet Minh to fight the Japanese Viet Minh occupied North Vietnam He wrote a declaration of independence from France France fought Vietnamese nationalists for 8 years
3. Cold War Issues, 1954: After WWII: China and Russia supported Ho Chi Minh’s communist forces in Vietnam US supported the French; US believed in the ‘domino theory:’ One country falls to communism, others will follow 1954: France withdrew from Vietnam and Cambodia
4. A Divided Nation: 1954 Geneva Agreement divided Vietnam at the 17 th parallel: North controlled by communists, South controlled by non- communists (Ngo Dinh Diem) After elections Vietnam is supposed to be reunited North Vietnam had support from peasants and Communist China South Vietnam: Diem blocked elections fearing communists would win; had support of the U.S. 1960’s: Viet Cong formed (underground army) to overthrow Diem Diem was harsh against his protesters, he was assassinated in 1963
5.Vietnamese Nationalism grows: 1954 Viet Cong power grows and US becomes more involved Viet Nam has a long history of resisting outsiders. Secret roads and tunnels from the north went through Laos and Cambodia, “Ho Chi Minh Trail”
6. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 1964 Two American patrol boats claim that N. Vietnamese gunboats attacked them US responds with Pres. Johnson’s power to “take all necessary steps including the use of force” to help South Vietnam 1965: US troops began bombing N. Vietnam By 1968: 500,000 American troops in Vietnam Viet Cong continued to use effective guerrilla tactics and strong determination. This helped win the war for Vietnam.
6. Presidential Power President Johnson sent troops without declaring war.
7. The War Spreads to Laos and Cambodia, 1964 US bombs Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos Trail remained open, Laotians angered, continue to support communist guerrillas 1969 & 1970: US bombs communist bases in Cambodia US actions create more support for local communists guerrillas (Khmer Rouge)
8. Nixon begins withdrawal of troops, 1969 “Peace with honor” My Lai Massacre- video Protests Newspapers condemn the war Student strikes 1970: 400 colleges closed, protests Jackson State, Mississippi 2 killed Kent State, Ohio, 4 killed
9. Vietnam is reunited, : Peace treaty ended American involvement 1975: Communist forces take Saigon Vietnam is reunited. Saigon is renamed Ho Chi Minh City after Ho Chi Minh, who had died in 1969
10. It officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 1976 Thousands of South Vietnamese were sent to re-education camps: forced school and labor Economy in ruins because of war Communist government took over private businesses and farms US banned trade with Vietnam until 1994; country remained poor Economic growth surged in mid-90s
American Losses Over 58,000 American troops killed Over 304,000 wounded
Losses in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Approximately 3 to 4 million Vietnamese from the North and South were killed 1.5 to 2 million Laotians and Cambodians were killed
Essential Question: How did the U.S. lose the war when Vietnam lost more people?