Denver Home Sales Daniel Cisneros II Source:
AddressPriceBedsBathsSq. Ft E Iliff Ave #217 (# ) Zuni St #216 (# ) S Sheridan Blvd #18 (# ) Washington St #60 (# ) E Quincy Ave #206 (# ) S Locust St Unit S206(# ) Washington St #46 (# ) E Girard Ave #407 (# ) Coronado Pkwy Unit 5C (# ) Clarkson St #603 (# ) S Oneida St Unit F (# ) S Ames St #203 (# ) S Harlan St #139 (# ) S Alton Way Unit 2A (# ) Pennsylvania St #307 (# ) S Locust St Unit N502 (# ) S Alton Way Unit 7C(# ) Coronado Pkwy Unit A (# ) E Center Ave Unit 7A (# ) S Locust St Unit N707 (# ) Ames St(# ) S Clinton St Unit 11B (# ) E 19th Ave(# ) E Jefferson Ave Unit 15E(# ) E Center Ave Unit 10A (# ) E Princeton Ave (# ) S Pierce St #301 (# ) S Alton Way Unit 1D(# ) S Clinton St Unit 7C(# ) S Tamarac Dr Unit K102(# ) Address Next Open House PriceBedsBathsSq. Ft Downing St(# ) -$229,950321,574 Denver, CO 2880 S Locust St Unit S206(# ) -$84, Denver, CO 540 S Forest St Unit (# ) -$169,000221,145 Denver, CO 451 Tennyson St(# ) -$217,500421,431 Denver, CO 3600 S Pierce St #301 (# ) -$135, Lakewoo d, CO 650 S Clinton St Unit 7C(# ) -$139,000221,200 Denver, CO Clean Data
SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observati ons240 ANOVA dfSSMSF Significan ce F Regressio n39.98E E E-43 Residual E E+10 Total E+13 Coefficie nts Standard Errort StatP-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept Beds Baths Sq. Ft E
SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observatio ns240 ANOVA dfSSMSF Significanc e F Regression19.67E E-44 Residual E E+10 Total E+13 Coefficient s Standard Errort StatP-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept Sq. Ft E From what I can tell in slide 4, I can determine that square foot is the most significant for determining the selling price. This final model shows the relationship of total square foot to selling price.
SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observati ons240 ANOVA dfSSMSF Significan ce F Regressio n11.66E E-44 Residual E Total E+08 Coefficien ts Standard Errort StatP-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept E Price(y) E Here is some data that relates the selling price with the total square feet. The significance testing and residual analysis are here.
SSxx Total Sq ftRangePrice Ssyy E+13Small Fam High $ 349, Ssxy Low $ 51, b Med Fam High $ 420, b Low $ 123, y hat xLrg Fam High $ 528, SSE E+12Low $ 231, T-test Sb Se df237 T-score1.651 This model takes into account the square footage in Denver homes regardless of # of bedrooms or bathrooms. The model uses square foot to determine family size where Small family is 1000 sqft, medium family is 1400 sqft and a large family is 2000 sqft. As you can tell by this final analysis that there is a huge range in prices when considering all the houses that sold. By including an indicator variable to distinguish a particular market, such as 2 bedrooms, the range would vary less and target a particular market.