OST164 Text Editing Applications Section 2 Punctuation: Other Marks ¶ Italicizing and Underlining
Underlining and Italicizing In some of the rules, you will note that the rule will say that underlining and italicizing would both be correct. What is important is that you be consistent and keep the same style throughout. Do not apply both underlining and italicizing to the same text. Today, most use italics because the Internet uses underlining to show a jump spot or link.
Italicizing ¶285 (a) A word referred to as a word is usually italicized and is often introduced by the expression the term or the word. The term muffin-choker refers to a…. You see the word receive spelled incorrectly quite often. Other: If you used fewer compound sentences, you wouldn’t have so many ands in your writing. Hector has always been baffled by the term jumbo shrimp.
Italicizing ¶285 (b) Letters referred to as letters are usually italicized or underlined if they are not capitalized. Note: Underline only if a single italic letter may not look sufficiently different to stand out. dotting your i’s or dotting your i’s p’s and q’s or p’s and q’s Rhoda won the Scrabble game with a word that included an x and a q. Capital letters… Children need to learn the three Rs. She incorrectly added another C to the word. Letter grades need not be italicized. You will never get an A.
Italicizing ¶287 a la cartefung shuide facto resumeper diemsavoir faire de jurebona fidead hoc Italicize foreign expressions that are not considered part of the English language. Once a foreign expression has become established as part of the English language, italics is no longer necessary. Anyone who likes shrimp should try mandu bok kum. The Italian word ciao means “I am your slave.” Here are some that no longer need italicizing:
Italicizing ¶288 The names of individual ships, trains, airplanes, and spacecraft should be italicized. Challenger Titanic Orient Express U.S.S. Eisenhower (Don't italicize the U.S.S.) H.M.S. Pinafore (Don't italicize the H.M.S.) The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria sailed the ocean blue.
Underlining Books and pamphlets musicals &operas movies and playsnewspapers TV seriesradio seriespaintingsmagazines Underline complete works that are published as separate items. (Reminder: Put quotes around parts of a complete published work.) Do not underline the word magazine unless it is a part of the official title. Our ads in The Wall Street Journal have produced excellent results. Her article “Swimming With the Sharks” appears in the latest issue of Sports Illustrated magazine. Did you read the article “Looking for Mr. Right” in the January issue of The Oprah Magazine? I tore the article “Color” out of the Real Simple magazine. Did you see the movie Gone With The Wind?