News Writing Basics Structure Leads Nutgraf Adapted from “Newspaper Story Structure,” by Nanette Asimov, San Francisco Chronicle
Structure: Inverted Pyramid
News Stories are like… The good stuff is at the top.
Just like a story Hard news stories are never told in chronological order
Exceptions Soft news Feature
Basic Structure Lead Summary/more detail Sexy quote Nutgraf Summary of what’s to come Quote Transition (repeat Q/T a few times) Real-time color, anecdotes, examples The past/ future The kicker/upward spin
A Lead Should: Tell readers what the story is about Make them want to read the story Create the proper mood for the story
Example The Saddleback Valley school board voted unanimously last night to raise the hurdle for high school graduation by adding more mandatory math and science classes.
5 Ws Who: school board What: unanimous vote Where: high school When: last night Why: To raise high school grad requirements
Soft News Leads Anecdotal Descriptive Etc.
A Nutgraf Should: Justify the story Provide a transition Explain why the story is timely Include supporting material Answer the ‘so what’ Be in graf 4 (generally)
Example The school board’s action mirrors efforts around the country to raise academic standards. Embarrassed by American students’ poor performance on international achievement test in recent years, and pressured by colleges to produce better-prepared graduates, public educators nationwide are turning back to basics.
What’s the ‘so what’?
Nutgraf Basics Support with evidence Anticipate questions Concrete reasons Never give away the ending
People will eat it up…