WHAT IS A BLOG? Blogs in Plain English (n.) Short for web log, a blog is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. -Webopedia
WHY SHOULD I USE BLOGS IN MY CLASSROOM? Develops social and writing skills Gives students more confidence Practice Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety in a controlled environment More engaging than pencil and paper Not just student and teacher Allows students to revisit and reflect Computer -based testing
HOW CAN I START? Choose a platform Review the basics, blogging etiquette, make sure AUP is on file for student, rules and expectations. Communicate with parents that you are blogging in the classroom Review lesson plans and integrate it
Book Talks Respond to reading Reflections Editing and Revising Practice certain writing skills (ex. voice, mechanics) Research and report out Find Facts Describe a photo Book recommendations Grammar Sequence of events Making Inferences Write a collaborative story Role Play Report on a field trip How-To Debate Persuade Leads and Conclusions Current Events Write a story Poems/Poetry reflection Figurative Language Retelling THIS IDEA SOUNDS GREAT BUT GIVE ME SOME WAYS I CAN USE BLOGGING TO STRENGTHEN ELA SKILLS! I have seen blogging being done at the kindergarten level!
WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY? Find a blogging platform Consider what you are covering right now in your class…how can you tie ELA and blogging to it? Brainstorm how to introduce concept to class. I can help!