LE1-C3S4T1pg Effective Study Skills: Note-Taking and SQ3R
Purpose This lesson explains how to “work smart” by using study strategies to help you understand what you read.
1. Apply note taking tips and strategies to textbook and/or reference materials. 2. Demonstrate the ability to create several types of notes. 3. Demonstrate the ability to use SQ3R as a textbook reading/study strategy.
CPS Key Word Questions (1-5)
Annotate Paraphrase React critically ________ – add words to a written text, especially in order to explain it. __________ – put something in your own words. ____________ – evaluate or judge what you read.
Narrative Subordination ________ – written material that is in the form of a story. ____________ – written material that is indented and helps explain or support the main idea.
CPS Lesson Questions (1-2)
Which sentence describes your study skills? A.I don’t know how to study very well (yet). B.I know how to study, but have a hard time getting my work in on time. C.I have good study skills and apply myself pretty well. D.I have strong study skills and can teach others how to study.
True or False: The best technique for taking notes is to write, word-for-word, everything you hear during class. A.True B.False
Think about the best student you know. List 2-3 behaviors that he/she demonstrates. (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)
Learning to study effectively is hard work. When you develop any new skill, such as being a gymnast, it takes discipline and patience.
An effective study strategy for remembering information in your textbook is to ________ what you read in the form of notes. In taking notes, you should avoid copying word for word. Instead, take notes that __________, ____________, question, or respond personally to what you read. annotate paraphrase react critically
Summary note – shortens the main ideas into a concise statement of what you read. Thesis note – a very short and clear statement of the author’s main idea. Critical note – state’s “your” position about the main idea. Question note – raises a significant issue in the form of a question that you have about the material.
CPS Lesson Question (3)
Example: Which type of “note” is this? “ Should illegal wildlife trade be allowed to continue or, at least, be ignored after unsuccessful attempts to stop it?” I think NO!” A.Summary Note B.Thesis Note C.Critical Note D.Question Note
Use ink – use ink instead of pencil
Use index cards – index cards are more durable and easier to organize than large sheets of paper Jot down only 1 item per card Write on only 1 side of the card
Take notes on the right side of the paper Label the notes you recorded on the left-hand margin Another popular note-taking procedure is one that uses regular loose-leaf notebook paper.
SQRRRSQRRR urvey – preview the material uestion – ask questions about the material ead – skim some, slow down at other times ecite – write notes in your own words eview – reflect, question and summarize
CPS Lesson Question (4)
What are the 5 elements of SQ3R? A.Study, Question, Read, Right, and Review B.Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review C.Summarize, Qualify, Read, Review, and Remember
List the 2-3 most important things you learned in this lesson. Why are they important to you? (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)
Images in this lesson were taken from: Microsoft © Clip Art Gallery Marine Corps Combat Camera LE1-C3S2T8