The Importance of Patrotic Traditions Ana-Marie Whitney
Explain the importance of patriotic Social Studies Grade 1 The purpose of this Power Point is to teach students the purpose of our nations traditions, such as The National Anthem, The Pledge of Allegiance, and the handling of the American Flag. Explain the importance of patriotic traditions, including the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, appropriate behavior during the playing of our National Anthem, and demonstrate appropriate flag etiquette. 1.26
Questions to think about Why do you think it is important to be patriotic? Why do you think we say the Pledge of Allegiance? What are you supposed to do during The National Anthem? What is the proper way to handle the American Flag?
Definitions Patriotism: The cultural attachment to one’s homeland or country. Veteran: A person who has served in the military. Anthem: An uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause. Pledge: A solemn promise. Symbol: A thing that represents or stands for something else. Justice: The quality of being just and fair.
The Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by Francis Bellamy. It was added onto in 1923 and 1954.
Why is it Important? It is important to recite our pledge of allegiance to show patriotism to our country. We should all feel proud to live in a place where we can all have an education, choose what clothes we wear everyday, and what we want to do with our free time, among many other things. h?v=ebz8Dp4Jyh4
The National Anthem v=jUhfNBGQ9Bg The Star Spangled Banner is our countries National Anthem. The song was based on a poem written by Francis Scott Key. It was made the National Anthem on March 3, 1931 by congress and President Herbert Hoover.
Where is The National Anthem Played? Military Honors On National Holidays Sporting Events The Olympics! At some schools After 9/11 the queen of England asked the Band of Coldstream Guards to play The Star Spangled Banner at Buckingham Palace to show her support of the U.S. Where have you heard The National Anthem Played?
What do we do while The Star Spangled Banner is being played? Everyone present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the American Flag with their right hand over their heart. Any hats should be removed and hung over their left shoulder at the same time. Men and Women in Uniform hold the Military Salute during the Anthem. We should all be silent and listen to the words. If the flag is not there face toward the music These things show RESPECT for our country, current men and women fighting for our country, and fallen soldiers.
Are these people standing correctly? Lets vote on each picture as a class and I will drag them to the correct boxes YES NO
Our American Flag In May 1776 Betsey Ross sewed the first American Flag. The 13 stripes stand for the original 13 colonies. Each star represents 1 of the 50 states. Red symbolizes Hardiness and Volor. diness or?s=ts White symbolizes innocence. Blue symbolizes vigilance and justice.
Proper Flag Etiquette The Flag Code The Flag Code The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. The flag should not be used as drapery or decoration. The flag should not be used for advertising, or anything that will be thrown away. It should not be used as a part of a costume or uniform, except in military personel, fireman, or policeman. Any item or drawing should not be placed on the flag. It should not be used to carry or deliver anything. When the flag is lowered no part should ever touch the ground. It should be folded neatly and ceremoniously. It should be cleaned and mended when necessary. If a flag becomes too worn it should be burned in a dignified matter.
Display, Raising, and Lowering Displaying the Flag outdoors Raising and lowering the flag The flag should be at the peak of the staff unless it is at half mass. If it is displayed with another flag it must be on top. On a street it must be hung vertically with the Union (stars) facing North or East. If hung with flags of states or organizations they must be on separate poles. If hung with other countries they must be on different poles with the same height. The flag should be raised quickly and lowered slowly. It should be displayed normally between sunrise and sunset. It should be in lights if displayed at night. When in mourning the flag is at half staff.
Flags during funerals This happens for those who are or were in a military service. During procession the flag should be at the right of the marchers. When it is lowered all should face the flag and salute. There is a special way the flag is then folded…lets watch! h?v=B7yMakv5Dwg
What did we learn? We learned who wrote the pledge of allegiance and when. Why the pledge of allegiance is important. Who wrote the National Anthem and when. How to stand during the national anthem. How to treat the American Flag.