LITERACY COURSES LEVELS: literacy and post-literacy. People who do not know to read or write. People who know nor the numbers neither the operations.
NEW READERS AND BASIC EDUCATION Aimed to people who know to read and write. They need to improve their linguistic competence. They learn basic mathematical operations.
PRE-GRADUATE COURSES Preparation to enter the courses of secondary education. Enlarge their linguistic knowledge. Control of basic mathemetical concepts and operations.
DEGREE IN SECONDARY EDUCATION Levels: 1st and 2nd. Preparatory courses to get the degree. Areas: ◦ Comunication: Spanish, Valencian and English. ◦ Social sciences: history and the working world. ◦ Science and technology: mathematics, natural sciences, health and tecnology.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME SFL Spanish for foreigners: ◦ Foreign students who do not know Spanish. ◦ Very basic contents about oral and written expression.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME FOREIGN LANGUAGES English: I, II and III: Ease the contact of students with this foreign language. Deepen in the knowledge of this language and introduce the progressive reading of texts and books. Familiarize, not only with the language, but with the culture and costumes as well.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME FOREIGN LANGUAGES French: I and II: ◦ Ease the reading comprehension. ◦ Understand and produce texts with a certain complexity.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME IT Levels: I, II and III ◦ Introduce the computer world to new users. ◦ Increase the basic concepts about computing. ◦ Know how to use office programs.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME VALENCIAN LEVELS: Oral, elementary and intermediate. ◦ Ease the comprehension and the oral and written expression. ◦ Help students to get an accurate pronunciation. ◦ General control in the use of the language. ◦ Oral and written control. ◦ Encourage their affection towards the historial and cultural singularities.
PROGRAMA FORMATIVOS SCIENCE Approch the scientific knowledge in the field of natural science to the students. Nature and environment. Ecology and health.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME DRAMA/THEATRE Integrate the dramatic activities in the curriculum. Focus the activities on their personal development. Know the language of theatre.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME HISTORY Get information about historical phenomena. Know the context in which each one of the historical stages appear. Know the specific lexicon and the basic concepts of this subject.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME LANGUAGE/MENTAL AGILITY Work with attention. Develop their brain working capacity. Improve their mental capacity.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME GEOGRAPHICAL ITINERARIES Routes in the city of Valencia. Know our region. The fieldwork as a didactic resource.