Presented by Robert Fiume November 10,
Transit Agency Status FY Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions Capital Status Review 2
Current Financial Position: Reserves SourceBalance PTAF$ 251 ASGnone BSG$ 3,013,981 Section 1513$ 6,557,279 Local$ 700,000 Other$ 90,000 3
Current Financial Position: Accounts Payable – Past due 90 days and over Accounts Receivable – Past due 90 days and over VendorAmount Past DueEstimated Pay Date ADT Security$ 9,924.60When the security system works properly Program/AgencyAmount Past Due Date Requisitioned Estimated Pay Date None 4
Current Operations: Staffing Level Contract Provisions Healthcare Pension Fuel Fares Other major factors producing cost increases above inflation Cost Savings Initiatives 5
COLTS’ Organizational Chart 6 Lackawanna County Board of Commissioners Board of Directors COLTS Executive Director Robert Fiume Director of Operations Robert Buck Dispatchers and Drivers Superintendent of Maintenance Dave Sklareski / John Nelson Mechanics and Service Employees Manager of Safety, Training & Security Director of Grants & Finance Jennifer Honick Budget/Finance Manager Marty Joyce Director of Development Kurt Kempter Manager Human Resources & Administration Dorothy Hill Director of Communication Gretchen Wintermantel Manager of Advertising Jim Smith Administrative Assistant Jane Farrell
LCCTS’ Organizational Chart 7 Lackawanna County Board of Commissioners Executive Director John Tomcho Operation Manager SchedulerSuperintendent MechanicDrivers IntakeDispatchData Clerk MATP Admin. Assitant MATP Data Clerk MATP PT Data Clerk
Consolidated Organizational Chart 8 Lackawanna County Board of Commissioners Board of Directors COLTS Executive Director Robert Fiume Director of Operations Robert Buck Dispatchers and Drivers Transportation Manager Operations MangerSuperintendent Mechanic and Drivers SchedulerIntake Dispatcher Data Clerk MATP Admin. Assistant MATP Data Clerk MATP Part-time Clerk Superintendent of Maintenance Dave Sklareski / John Nelson Mechanics and Service Employees Manager of Safety, Training & Security Director of Grants & Finance Jennifer Honick Budget/Finance Manager Marty Joyce Director of Development Kurt Kempter Manager Human Resources & Administration Dorothy Hill Director of Communication Gretchen Wintermantel Manager of Advertising Jim Smith Administrative Assistant Jane Farrell
Contract Provisions - COLTS Term of current union contract 7/1/09 to 6/30/13 DriversCurrent Starting wage$ 15.64$16.04 Top wage$20.85$21.45 Average wage$ Contract wage increase3% Job ClassificationNumber- Full TimeNumber-Part Time Drivers447 Mechanics70 Dispatchers21 Service50 9
Contract Provisions - LCCTS Term of current union contract 1/1/09 to 12/31/12 DriversCurrent Starting wage$15.09 Top wage$16.16 Average wage$15.13 Contract wage increase1.5% increase for % increase for % increase for calendar year 2012 Job ClassificationNumber- Full TimeNumber-Part Time Drivers25 Mechanics1 Dispatchers1 Clerical4 Scheduler1 10
Important Contract Provisions - COLTS Use of part-time employees Number/percent of “split shift” drivers Overtime Outsourcing Other 11
Important Contract Provisions - LCCTS Use of part-time employees Number/percent of “split shift” drivers Overtime Outsourcing Other 12
Healthcare - COLTS UnionNon-Union Basic Coverage Current$ 740,442$ 161,554 FY $ 814,486$ 177,709 Employee Contributions Current8% of coverage chosen None FY % of coverage chosen None Co-Payment Current$ 20,112$ 2,734 FY $ 60,336$ 8,203 13
Healthcare - LCCTS UnionNon-Union Basic Coverage Current$ 409,449$ 50,996 FY Employee Contributions Current$ 30,600$ 2,400 FY Co-Payment CurrentVary by carrier FY
Pension Defined Benefit- COLTS UnionNon-Union Employee Contributions Current$ 39,195$ 7,524 FY $ 128,440$ 21,736 Minimum Age to Qualify for Retirement Current55 FY Minimum Number of Years to Qualify for Retirement Current10 FY Minimum Number of Years to be Vested Current10 FY
Pension - LCCTS UnionNon-Union Employee Contributions Current8% of salary FY % of salary Minimum Age to Qualify for Retirement Current55 FY Minimum Number of Years to Qualify for Retirement Current20 FY Minimum Number of Years to be Vested Current55 FY
Pension - COLTS: There are no proposed changes to the pension at this time The Pension is 71.77% funded. The unfunded amount is amortized and included in our annual Minimum Municipal Obligation. 17
Fuel: Current Cost per Gallon - $ Contract rate Rate is applicable for 225,000 gallons of fuel from 8/5/11 through 6/30/12 Projected Cost per Gallon and Basis for Projection Contract rate or market rate? Terms of contract (if applicable) 18
Fixed Route Fares: Last fare increase was 1994 Proposed fare increase will be a tiered increase - $.25 cash fare increase on January 9, 2012 and another $.25 on July 1, Fare InstrumentCurrent Price Structure Proposed Price Structure PROPOSED JULY 2013 Price Structure Full Cash Fare$1.25$1.50$1.75 Half Cash Fare$.60$.75$.85 Senior Citizen FareFree Children’s FareFree Transfers$.25 Half Fare Transfers$.10 Day PassNot available$3.50$ Ride Adult Tickets $11.00$13.50$ Ride Student Tickets $10.00$6.75$ Day Adult Pass$40.00$48.00$ Day Student Pass $20.00$24.00$28.00
Shared Ride Fares: Date of Last Fare Increase – July 1, 2011 Current Average fare = $20.40 Sponsorship arrangements Area Agency on Aging pays the 15% copayment 20
Other Major Factors Producing Cost Increases Beyond Inflation: FactorsCurrent Amount Projected Future Amount Explanation Healthcare$ 973,000$ 1,063,300We anticipate at least a 10% increase in premium. 21
Cost Savings Initiatives: InitiativeCurrent Cost Planned Action and Implementation Date Projected Savings SAFTI P&L Savings$ 112,913We are currently in SAFTIWe hope to continue to see savings of 30% Lighting$ 45,913Replace lights and light fixtures with energy efficient T5 lights. 20% 22
Fixed Route Funding FY FY FY FY FY Total Operating Expenses $8,853,553$ 8,077,058$ 8,307,870$ 8,434,192$ 8,624,210 Total Operating Revenue $1,068,659$ 963,750$ 1,041,800$ 1,045,800$ 1,056,800 Total Operating Deficit $ 7,784,894$ 7,113,308$ 7,266,070$ 7,388,392$ 7,567,410 Subsidies: Federal $ 445,713$ 362,500$ 437,000$ 433,000$ 437,000 State $ 6,849,872$ 6,237,034$ 6,289,608$ 6,388,956$ 6,535,652 Local $ 489,309$ 513,774$ 539,463$ 566,436$ 594,758 Total Funding $ 8,853,553$ 8,077,058$ 8,307,870$ 8,434,192$ 8,624,210 23
Fixed Route Service Statistics/Trends: Describe Any Proposed Changes Fixed RouteFY FY FY FY FY Rev. Veh. Miles1,136,6231,170,0641,152,5131,094,8871,100,361 Rev. Veh. Hours 85,940 93,244 91,845 90,467 90,919 Passenger Trips1,681,3841,581,1681,557,4501,534,0891,549,430 ACT 44 PERF. MEASURES Pass. Trips/Hour Op. Cost/Hour$ $ 86.62$ 90.46$ 93.23$ Op. Rev./Hour$ 12.43$ 10.34$ 11.34$ 11.56$ Op. Cost/Trip$ 5.27$ 5.11$ 5.33$ 5.50$
Shared Ride Funding FY FY Operating Expense$ 1,953,867$ 1,957,400 Passenger Revenue$ 26,500 Lottery$ 1,121,087$ 1,199,576 MATP$ 155,660$ 75,119 Other$ 650,620$ 656,205 Balance$ 0 25
Shared Ride Statistics/Trends 26 Shared-RideFY FY Total Veh. Miles341,314344,300 Cost per Mile$ 5.72$ 5.68 Total Veh. Hours18,22518,803 Cost per Hour$ $ Total Pass. Trips86,15486,900 Cost per Trip$ 22.68$ Rev. per Trip$.31$.30 Trips per Hour$ 4.73$ 4.67
Other Information/Assumptions: Fixed-Route Shared Ride 27
Capital Status Review Fixed-Route Shared Ride 28