Table of Contents Objective Description Objective of the project Learning Situation Generating Question Principal Product Tasks Criteria
Objective To identify attractive tourists sites in Panama.
Description The main purpose of this project is to give people from the province of Cocle the opportunity of knowing and valuing the many wonderful things they may enjoy in their province; that is, the different tourist sites together with their variety of interesting legends and tales, which enrich their culture and attract tourists attention.
Objective of the Project To know about some tourist sites in the province of Cocle, through their different legends and traditional tales, so that they value their culture and natural landscapes.
Learning Situation Once I Heard a student wondering about the origin of a place called “The Three Maidens Fall.” A partner told him that it was a small river located in Los Santos. Other student smiled at them and said that it was a beautiful fall divided into three parts, located in The Anton Valley.
But he concluded by saying that it was born as the result of the constant cry of three ladies, who had lost their children. After listening to those comments, I became aware that most of the time tourists or foreign people know even more about our own culture and history than we Panamanians. And I felt even worst after realizing that although they were from the province of Cocle, they were ignorant of their own culture.
Generating Question Which strategies would you recommend us Panamanians to know and value our origins and traditions, as well as the tourist sites of the beautiful province of Cocle?
Principal Product Brochure Moviemaker
Tasks Task # 1: what is a tale, a legend, and tourism? Investigate in the Web site In a Word document, describe what a tale, a legend, and tourism are.Word document
Task # 2: Which are the tales, legends and tourist sites in the province of Cocle? 2.1. Investigate in the assigned website (or another related source) which are the tales, legends, and tourists sites in the province of Cocle? dormida-from-el-valle.html dormida-from-el-valle.html three-maidens.php 2.2. Share with their classmates the knowledge and experiences acquired regarding the previously assigned topics.
Task # 3: Describe the different tales, legends, and tourists sites in the province of Cocle Select one tourist site of the province of Cocle and through a brochure, describe its legends or tales.brochure Task # 4: Why should the tourist sites of our province be valued and how can we appreciate their culture and historical origins? 4.1. Choose a legend of the province of Cocle. Then, prepare a moviemaker which will portray the events and experiences lived by the characters of that period.
Criteria Grading Scheme