Follow The SYSTEM Save Your Self Time Energy & Money Do not try to reinvent the wheel. Duplicate success. It is already working! Say what people say. Do what They do. You get what they have..every single time.
Make a list! Make a list of atleast 100 people in your network. (Friends, Family, Coworkers, etc.) Anyone that comes to mind. The bigger your list, the bigger your team. DO NOT PREJUDGE! That one person that you think will not be interested and decide to not talk to, will be that one person that could’ve benefited the most. Draw a star next to the top 50 people in your list that you think will be more interested, of those 50 double star the next 25, then triple star the top 10. Begin with the top 10 work your way down the list accordingly.
Invitation Process The first, and most important, step to introducing people to Vemma is inviting them to come hear about this new opportunity. Keep it simple Do NOT bring up or talk about Vemma or Verve. Make it personalized -Do not send out a massive message to everyone in your phonebook. -Include their name and actually speak to them personally. Be YOU! -The second you stop being yourself and start sounding like a robot, people will stop listening. Be persistent! -People will brush you off, but don’t give up on them. -If they will not come to you, go to them. -This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is just GET RICH!
How To Do A Home Event Preparation -Pick a spot where guests can focus with no distractions. -COLD VERVE IS A MUST! -High speed internet and a TV that connects to the computer if possible. -Always have your upline present. If not in person, then on Facetime, ooVoo, skype, speaker phone, anything. Running The Event -No more than 2 people should be running the event. -Whoever’s event it is or the person with the most people there should begin the event and then introduce the upline. -Always begin with telling your story. -How did you hear about Vemma? How did you get started?
Communication at the Home Event -EDIFY YOUR UPLINE! -Don’t just introduce your upline, talk him up! -“This is John Doe. He’s a 20 year old kid who has been in this business for 3 months and is now making $1,000/week. He’s the one that introduced this opportunity to me that changed my whole life, and now he’s here to do the same for you.” -If you are the upline, always give your downline an opportunity to speak. BUILD LEADERS. They need to practice in order to become a leader. -Interact with the audience. Get them involved. Ask them questions. Give them a chance to ask questions and speak their mind. -Only 8% of communication is verbal. -37% is TONE of voice. (Pitch, volume, pace) -55% is BODY LANGUAGE! What message is your body portraying while you speak? Get the audience excited!
Closing a Home Event -Always portray URGENCY! (First come, first serve) -Obviously you don’t want to rush people, but you have to make sure they understand that these spots are not open forever. If they leave thinking they have all the time in the world to think about it, they will “think about it later” and that later will never come. “If it is not important to you, you will find an excuse. If it is important to you, you will find a way.” -(FAMBAM) From a meeting, book a meeting. -At the end of the meeting, let people know when the next meeting will be.
Answering To Objection Ojection #1: I don’t have the money. If $500 is a major issue, ask them: -Don’t you want to change that? -How long has this been an issue? -What are you willing to do to change your situation? Make sure they understand, it is $500 to start your own business which has the potential to make you thousands of dollars in profit in your first few months. Starting your own business anywhere else costs hundreds and thousands of dollars and in the first 3-5 years, you’re just hoping to break even! Objection #2: I don’t have the time. -All you need is 30 min to 1hour a day to start the business. -Doing this will eventually give you more time to yourself -What is the point of having money, if you don’t have time?
Closing With People People make decisions for 2 reasons: For GAIN or for FEAR OF LOSS Ask people: IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, WHAT WILL YOU DO? Go back to the same your life you’re telling me that is leaving you with no time or money. Or are you willing to take advantage of an opportunity that will completely turn your life around for the better? Whether you do Vemma or not, just know that this WILL be the biggest Network Marketing Company in the world and you had the opportunity to hear about it in year 8 when it was just getting big!
Leadership After Enrollment -After you enroll a new person, you are not done, the real work begins. -Insure all your hard work to get them enrolled by helping them become successful. -If they are important enough to enroll, they are important enough to teach. -BUILD LEADERS NOT FOLLOWERS! -Teach them about the Customer Loyalty Program to get their auto-delivery for free! -Teach them the correct invitation process and practice with them. -Set an immediate 7-day goal to get the frenzy bonus to help them see the potential of this company for themselves. -Book meetings, webinars, and skype calls for them.
Develop 4-Week Goals -Set monthly goals for yourself and downlines. -Create a culture and a team environment. -Know where we are in the Rank Advancement calendar -Send your 4-week goal to your upline mentor: -your current rank -the rank you want to hit -number of new Brand Partners you want -numbers of your personally enrolled -conference with your upline mentor. -Have your downlines do the same with you.
Working Depth NO SURFACE SWIMMING! Do not just help your immediate downline, help their downlines, and their downline’s downlines, and so on. Work in depth. Identify you’re A, B, and C Enrollment levels and help all of them. Spend 1-2 days per week on each level.
How Bad do You Want It? Most of us say we want to be successful, but we don’t want bad. We just kinda want it. When we get tired, and the going gets tough..we quit. Your already in pain, your already hurt, NOW get a reward from it! KEEP GOING. At the end of pain is Success! YOUR BUSINESS WONT GROW UNTIL YOU CHANGE WHAT YOU DO ON A DAILY BASIS. NO ONE IS WATCHING YOU, ITS UP TO YOU! Those who are doing the work when nobody is watching are the ones who will become succesful. Ask yourself…Did I do My best today?
Sacrifice “To be able at any moment, to sacrifice what you are, for what you will become, will then make you successful. Watching TV, playing Video games, playing on our phones, partying are things that will never help us in life. When we are willing to sacrifice these things, and educate yourself and others instead. Will then be the best decision you have ever made in your life.
Encouragement “A word of encouragement during a moment of failure, is stronger than an hour of praise after success.” Encouragement is: -Necessary -Rewarding -Uplifting -Free to give out -Duplicable A true leader will encourage freely. Encourage your downlines!
How Do I Encourage? -Be positive and speak positively -Edify your Brand Partners -Edify your upline -Promote events and encourage participation -Be helpful -Be honorable -Be perceptive -Help your downlines develop a 4-week goal -Help your downlines with ATLEAST their first 2 home events
Build Your Bussiness In order to build your business you must: Build relationships -Connect with people -Don’t just become business colleagues, become friends -Stay humble. Help those underneath you. We are all one big team. No one is by themselves. Reinvest in your business -Reinvest in your people -It always comes back Build Leadership -10 strong leaders is better than 200 followers.
Become SUCCESSFUL In order to become successful in this business you need to educate youself. Learn the business from the ground up. Learn all the facts about the product Take all out massive action! -Apply everything you learn to your entire business RIGHT NOW! “Knowledge without action is useless.” Follow the system, become a leader, develop leaders, and your business will become successful YOU WILL BECOME SUCCESSFUL.