Chapter 14 Section 5. Republic declines Rome expands borders- demand taxes and enslave those who were conquered. Tax collectors were called publicans-


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 14 Section 5

Republic declines Rome expands borders- demand taxes and enslave those who were conquered. Tax collectors were called publicans- they paid ahead of time for contracts but would collect extra money from the conquered people. Roman farmers lost their land as well as their political and economic independence

Roman luxuries could be imported from elsewhere- leaving the Roman merchants poor. Artisans lost business because rich Romans wanted items from Syria and Greece Government officials were getting rich, but not fixing problems The gap between rich and poor was getting larger This leads to political instability

Roman Leadership Over the next 100 years, many leaders would try to improve conditions in Rome. Some were reformers while others were generals. Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus Gaius Marius Lucius Sulla

The Reformers The Gracchus Brothers Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus was the 1 st reformer. He felt this was the reason of Rome’s problems: making small farmers leave their land caused Rome’s problems.

He was elected Tribune in 133 B.C. and tried to make these reforms-- Limit amount of land owned Divide up public land Give land to the poor What happened when he tried to run for a 2 nd term? Were you allowed to serve more than 1 term in office? Against the law to run for a 2 nd term Senate staged a riot and had him killed

In 123 B.C. Tiberius’s younger brother, Gaius Gracchus was elected Tribune. He felt the answer to Rome’s problem was moving poor from the city back to the countryside. He improved and extended the reforms of his brother---took over sale of wheat—sold to poor at lower price. What was the issue of this reform? Wheat was given away rather than sold What happened to him? Senate had him killed in 121 B.C.

The Generals In 107 B.C. a military hero, Gaius Marius became consul. He was the first low class Roman elected. Marius was supported by ex-soldiers who had been farmers and had their farms taken away when they served in the military. He felt Rome’s troubles could be solved by setting up a professional army.

Marius opened the army to everyone with the promises of – Pay – Land – Pension – Treasure His plan both helped put Romans to work and hurt the Republic because soldiers were loyal to generals who hired/paid them.

Sulla Marius was opposed by Sulla. He was given Military Command that Marius wanted. Marius tried to get the assembly to take away the command from Sulla. Sulla marched on Rome and took over the city. This was the first time that a Roman commander had led his soldiers against the capital.

Civil wars break out and when they are over, Sulla declares himself dictator. Sulla wanted to increase the size of the Senate. The senators had more duties and it weakened the power of the tribunes. He also stopped generals from holding the same army command for more than 1 year.

1 st Triumvirate Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey. After Sulla retired power passed to a triumvirate. It was made up of Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey. Pompey believed in a Republic ruled by upper- class senators. Caesar wanted one-man rule After Crassus died the 2 remaining people fought for control. Caesar finally gained control after Pompey was murdered in 48 B.C.

List Reforms of Caesar Entered Rome and named himself dictator Re-distributed state lands and new colonies Gave land to ex-soldiers Public work projects (Roads, buildings, etc...) which gave jobs to people who were out of work. Business people now senators (cut back on Publicans) Roman citizenship to Greeks, Spaniards, and Gaul.

End of Republic The Roman People turned against the Senators that killed Caesar. Political power passed to 2 nd Triumvirate. – Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus For a while this worked but then fights break out. In 31 B.C. Octavian had won and he became the sole and single ruler of Rome.