There are some small towns that are so small, they don’t have any shopping centers, or grocery stores. This means that those who live in these small towns have to travel to a different town to get their shopping done. Some of the problems this causes are: You have to travel to a different town to get your shopping done, which is not very convenient. Your town is not growing or bringing in the money it needs.
I grew up in a small town called Cowley, Wyoming. There was no stores, or shops to buy anything which meant that we had to travel to the other town to get the things we needed. This meant that when my mom would need something, we would have to travel about minutes away which is where the closest store was. This was inconvenient, especially when my mom just needed to make a quick run to get just one item.
There was an article called Sustaining Small Town Grocery Stores that was written by Steph Larson in October, 2009 and she wrote about how it is a good idea for a small town to have a grocery store. At one part she said, “ Without a local store, the payroll and tax revenue that our food purchases generate go elsewhere.” I think that is true because when your town doesn’t have a grocery store, then your purchases and money go to the other town. She also said that having a grocery store helps attract new residents to a town, and that having a school; post office; restaurants; churches; and a grocery store makes the community a more attractive place to live.Steph In my Report page I talk about how going to the grocery store can be more of a “social” event. This happens because people run into each other, they meet new people, and they catch up on the latest news. Not only are the stores great for the economy but it is a place you are able to socialize.
If you have EVER lived in a small town, then you know that the town’s grocery store is one of the most important businesses in town. They provide jobs, and generate tax revenue which, in turn, helps the towns economy. If every small town were to have a grocery store then it would stimulate the economy in the town and bring more people in, and encourage growth. Now I am not suggesting that every town get a Wal-Mart, because that is NOT what they need. They just need a small little grocery store where they can do most of their shopping, and somewhere they can go if there is an emergency.
The article Sustaining Small Town Grocery Stores Part 2, written by Brian Depew, and Steph Larsen in November, 2009 stated that most people choose what store to go to based on prices and selection. Some small town grocery stores might not have that, but they DO have great customer service, pretty clean stores, they are more convenient, and you are able to support local businesses by shopping at your town store. One quote from the article says: “The next time you shop for food, consider going to your local grocery store. Not only do these businesses supply food for rural residents, they also provide jobs and keep dollars circulating in your community. This makes both the residents and the community itself healthier.” I love that quote, and I think that it applies, and works.Brian Depew
As I said before, having a grocery store also allows some people in the town to have more jobs. This would be great for those teenagers who are still in school, or someone who just needs a little extra money. I found an article called Teenager Runs Small-Town Grocery Store which was published on December 4 th, 2006(author unknown). Nick Graham (17 years old) is the owner of a small town grocery store. He needed help running the store, so he hired a full time manager; a deli manager; a part time worker; and a few other employees. This meant that he was able to provide jobs for those who needed them. A man named Tim Parker who was shopping in the store said “It's devastating for a small town to be without a grocery store.” The town did not have a grocery store until Nick opened up his small store. Tim Parker said that they had “went without.” As I said before, not having a small town means that you have to travel somewhere else to get the things you need. This meant that Tim had to travel elsewhere as well, which was inconvenient. Having grocery stores in small towns helps out a lot.Teenager Runs Small-Town Grocery Store
Having small town stores would help increase the towns economy. It would also help generate tax revenue for the community. It would help save time and money. This way you will not have to travel too far to get the things you need from the store, and this helps when you are in a hurry. You also don’t want to have to drive miles away to get the grocery’s all of the time.