Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster Plan 2012-2016
GGAC Cluster Plan Framework Delivery of Public Services Improved Corruption Curbed Business Environment Enhanced Good Governance & Anti-Corruption Transparency Accountability Citizens’ Engagement
GGAC Cluster Plan Framework: Enablers Delivery of Public Services Improved Corruption Curbed Business Environment Enhanced Good Governance & Anti-Corruption Legislation & Policy Review Enforcement of Laws Digitization & Innovation Advocacy & Communication Transparency Accountability Citizens’ Engagement
GGAC Cluster Plan Framework Good Governance & Anti-Corruption Delivery of Public Services Improved Corruption Curbed Business Environment Enhanced Transparency Accountability Citizens’ Engagement Legislation & Policy Review Enforcement of Laws Digitization & Innovation Advocacy & Communication
GGAC Cluster Plan Framework Delivery of Public Services Improved Corruption Curbed Business Environment Enhanced Good Governance & Anti-Corruption Transparency Accountability Citizens’ Engagement
The GGAC Cluster Plan and the Open Government Partnership mother plan for 2012-2016 Phl Action Plan for OGP 2012 one-year slice of GGAC Cluster Plan
GGAC Cluster Plan 2012-2016 & Phil OGP Plan 2012: Stakeholder Consultations Undertaken Consultation with Cabinet and NGAs Agencies requested for their inputs to the Action Plan Consultations with Business Leaders Primarily Makati Business Club and private sector-side of National Competitiveness Council Consultations with Civil Society Organizations Over 10 National Civil Society Organization Networks consulted Consultation with Development Partners through Phl Development Forum Governance Working Group Consultation with Local Government Units through DILG which consults LGUs on various initiatives
Key Initiatives Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster Plan 2012-2016 Key Initiatives Note: items with OGP logo (left) are proposed OGP commitments for 2012.
GGAC Cluster Plan: 1. Transparency Disclosure of Official Acts Public Access to Information
Transparency: Disclosure Mandatory Disclosure of Budget Info By 2012, all 24 departments fully complying with the disclosure requirements, from only 4 departments publishing all required info Full Disclosure Policy for LGUs By 2012, all LGUs (provinces, cities and municipalities) comply 100% with disclosure standards)
Transparency: Disclosure Expansion of Phl Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) By 2012, DBM to expand PhilGEPS to include e-bidding functions (electronic bids submission, supplier registry, virtual store, etc.) from present bulletin board of bid notices and award E-Transparency & Accountability Initiative for Lump-sum Funds System (E-TAILS) By 2012, DBM to expand E-TAILS to include automatic disclosure of School Building Fund and Internal Revenue Allocation, from the present PDAF disclosure.
Transparency: Disclosure Increase NGAs compliance with the Anti- Red Tape Act (ARTA), especially the posting of Citizens’ Charters By 2012, Report Card Survey on front line services conducted by CSC in 433 offices. Monitor ARTA Compliance of LGUs BY 2016, 100% of provinces, cities and municipalities comply with the policy
Transparency: Access Single Portal for Government Info Official Gazette ( to be converted into a one-stop source of information and service delivery within 2012. Public Access to Information Initiative By Q1 2012, GGAC Cluster to review existing info policies and procedures, and craft roadmap to improve access to information across the board Roadmap to include setting-up of enabling systems (e.g. ICT) and mechanisms (e.g. delegated info officers); and establishing a comprehensive policy on access to info
GGAC Cluster Plan: 2. Accountability Anti-Corruption Efforts Performance Management Punitive Measures Preventive Measures Improving Public Resource Management Establishing Results-Oriented Management Enhancing Frontline & Regulatory Processes
Accountability (Anti-Corruption): Punitive Speedy Resolution of Corruption Cases, especially Special Cases of Grand Corruption High profile cases resolved within their prescribed periods Annual DOJ resolution rate improved to 85% Revenue Integrity Protection Service By 2012, increase coverage Reduce time to complete investigation from 120 to 60 days
Accountability (Anti-Corruption): Punitive Legislation: Pass Whistleblower Protection Law Strengthen Witness Protection Program
Accountability (Anti-Corruption): Preventive Strengthen Internal Controls By 2012, Internal Audit Units in 6 Departments have been organized (on top of the current 14 Departments with Internal Audit Units) By 2016, National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems and Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual are adopted by all government agencies through capacity-building activities. Note: All programs under Transparency & Citizen Engagement Pillars contribute to preventing corruption
Accountability (Performance): Public Resource Management Institutionalize Public Financial and Expenditure Management Reforms Zero Based Budgeting Medium-Term Expenditure Framework Organizational Performance Indicator Framework Develop a Government Integrated Financial Management System (GIFMIS) By 2012, core system (single platform for information sharing between COA, DBM and BTr) developed. By 2016, full implementation of GIFMIS in all agencies
Accountability (Performance): Public Resource Management Various ICT Projects Government Manpower Info System (GMIS) and National Payroll System DBM is developing the National Payroll System, piloted in COA, DBM and DOF-BTR in the 3rd quarter. Other agencies (e.g. DepEd, DPWH, AFP, PNP) to adopt within the year. Cashless Purchase Cards DBM to pilot cashless purchase card system in DBM, AFP and several other agencies within the year.
Accountability (Performance): Public Resource Management Various ICT Projects: Develop a Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA) By 2012, NSO maps 54 provinces and 3.5 M farmers. All provinces mapped by 2013 MOA between DBM, DA, DAR and NSO forged On-line X-ray Imaging System By 2012, system piloted at the Port of Manila and Manila International Container Port Petroleum Inventory System By 2012, system implemented at Subic
Accountability (Performance): Results-Oriented Management Harmonize Government Performance Management Systems AO 25 creates a Task Force to develop Results-Based Performance Management System in six months Embed Accountability in LGUs By 2012, 689 LGUs w/ Seal of Good Housekeeping are able to access the Performance Challenge Fund All LGUs assessed for their eligibility for the Seal of Good Housekeeping.
Accountability (Performance): Results-Oriented Management National Justice Information System Phase I (2012-2015): database systems of law enforcement, prosecution and corrections agencies of DOJ are established and/or interconnected By 2012, criminal database systems among National Prosecution Service, National Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Immigration established President directed that systems for PNP and NBI Clearances be integrated Phase II starting 2015: Databases with other criminal justice agencies (PNP, PDEA, BJMP, Judiciary, etc) are interconnected.
Accountability (Performance): Frontline and Regulatory Processes Streamline Business Permits and Licensing By 2012, an additional 227 LGUs adopt reforms in Business Permits and Licensing Systems By 2016, total of 1,634 LGUs to adopt reforms Enhance Quality of Public Service in Tourism By 2012, craft a roadmap to improve the frontline systems and procedures involved in the tourism sector, from arrival of tourists to their departure. Pursue National Competition Policy Enactment of an Anti-Trust Law Recently-established Competition Authority in DOJ pursues prosecution and resolution of anti-trust cases
GGAC Cluster Plan: 3.Citizen Engagement Citizens’ Engagement Participation in Governance Partnerships & Constituency-Building
Citizen Engagement: Participatory Governance CSO Engagement in Budget Process For 2012: NGAs and GOCCs implementing the consultative budget preparation process doubled to 12 & 6 Guidelines for CSO participation in all phases of the budget developed and implemented Bottom-Up Planning & Budgeting In preparing the 2013 national budget, 609 city/municipal will come up with their Local Poverty Reduction Action Plans and the priority projects included in the departments’ budget. P250-M Empowerment Fund Established
Citizen Engagement: Participatory Governance Institutionalize Participatory Audits for Infrastructure Projects By 2012, participatory audits jointly undertaken by COA and CSOs in select projects of the DPWH and DA Pera ng Bayan website Tips reported through the website resulted in filing of 16 cases (vs. smugglers, tax evaders, erring revenue officers) Budget ng Bayan website By 2012, DBM will develop and implement the website
Citizen Engagement: Partnerships & Constituency-Building International: Active participation and leadership in OGP as Steering Committee Member Domestic: Convene a Philippine OGP Broad coalition of government, CSO and private sector Philippine OGP Assembly to be held in 2012
Citizen Engagement: Partnerships & Constituency-Building Implement Integrity Initiative with Business By 2012, Industry Integrity pact signed By 2014, Unified standard on Integrity and Corporate Governance (including accreditation system) created CSOs - People's Participation Partnership for LGUs By 2012, DILG to develop and implements Citizens’ Satisfaction and Index System By 2012, CSO Participation Fund established
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