Tick, Tick, Boom THE DAY OF INFAMY December 7, 1941
Do Now 1. Come in and be seated in a table (no couches!) 2. Turn to your partner 2. Ask them, “Where were you on September 11, 2001?” 3. Discuss 4. Allow them to ask you the same question 5. Discuss Share out! Agenda 1.Notes 2.Video 3.Challenge!
Causes… The U.S. demanded that Japan withdraw from China and Indochina Japan thought that attacking the U.S. would provide them an easy win, and a territory with abundant land and resources to rule once they were victorious. The U.S. oil embargo against Japan was hurting Japan’s economy
USS Arizona
Major Combatants Japan -Fleet of 6 Aircraft Carriers under the command of Admiral Nagumo and Admiral Yamamoto -Aerial Assault Force under the command of Mitsuo Fuchida United States - Pearl Harbor Naval/Army Base under the command of Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and Lt. General Walter C. Short
5 PHASE ATTACK BY JAPANESE… (as noted by the U.S. Navy) PHASE 1: Combined torpedo plane and dive bomber attacks lasting from 7:55 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. PHASE 2: Lull in attacks lasting from 8:25 - 8:40 a.m. PHASE 3: Horizontal bomber attacks from 8:40 – 9:15 a.m. PHASE 4: Dive bomber attacks between 9:15-9:45 a.m. PHASE 5: Warning of attacks and completion of raid after 9:45 a.m.
Pearl Harbor has a great disadvantage. It only has one very narrow entrance. This means that if there was an attack any ships inside the harbor would find it almost impossible to escape. Worse still-if an escaping ship sank in the entrance then the whole harbor would be out of action.
Eyewitness Account Commander Mitsuo Fuchida “Veering right toward the west coast of the island, we could see that the sky over Pearl Harbor was clear. Presently the harbor itself bacame visible across the central Oahu plain, a film of morning mist hovering over it. I peered intently through my binoculars at the ships riding peacefully at anchor. One by one I counted them. Yes, the battleships were there all right, eight of them! But our last lingering hope of finding any carriers prestent was now gone. Not one was to be seen.”
Warfare Used During Attack Japan Fighter Planes -135 Dive Bombers -104 Horizontal Bombers Torpedo Planes -A-At least 5 Midget Submarines
Warfare (continued) United States -108 Fighter Planes (59 not available for flight) -35 Army Bombers (27 not available for flight) -993 Army/Navy Antiaircraft Guns
Peacetime? The US air force kept its anti-aircraft ammunition locked away for safety in peacetime. Anti-aircraft guns were carefully stored in the base and not strategically distributed around so as not to alarm the local populace. Sunday stand-down routine was acceptable procedure during peacetime. Many crewmen left their ships as a result. The government had sent a war threat memo to Admiral Kimmel- but it went on to outline possible Japanese aggressions in Borneo and Malaya- hundreds of miles away.
Casualties Japan -L-Less then 100 men planes -5-5 midget submarines United States -2-2,335 servicemen killed, 68 civilians killed, 1,178 wounded -188 planes -18 ships (8 battleships, 3 light cruisers, 3 destroyers, 4 other vessels)
USS Arizona Burning: 1,100+ servicemen died on the ship
Eyewitness Account Marine Corporal E.C. Nightingale “I was about three quarters of the way to the first platform on the mast when it seemed as though a bomb struck our quarterdeck. I could hear shrapnel or fragments whistling past me. As soon as I reached the first platform, I saw Second Lieutenant Simonson lying on his back with blood on his shirt front. I bent over him…He was dead…”
Eyewitness Account Lt. Ruth Erickson, USN (Nurse) “The first patient came into our dressing room at 8:25 a.m. with a large opening in his abdomen and bleeding profusely. They started an intravenous and transfusion. I can still see the tremor of Dr. Brunson’s hand as he picked up the needle. Everyone was terrified. The patient died within the hour.”
Effects/Outcome Japan dealt a seemingly crippling blow to the U.S. Pacific fleet (U.S. Pacific Fleet aircraft carriers: Lexington, Enterprise, & Saratoga were not in port) Japan began their quest for a Pacific empire The U.S. finally was forced to join World War II (“The Sleeping Giant was awakened”)
The Sleeping Giant Was Awakened December 8: United States declared war on Japan December 11: Germany declared war on America. – Italy then declared war on America. – Great Britain declared war on Japan.
More Effects At Home… Many sons enlisted into the military to help fight the war. Many daughters entered the work force to help aid the cause.
December 8, 1941 FDR Speech “Yesterday, Dec. 7, A date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” FDR Infamy Speech
“Created to honor the survivors of Pearl Harbor, their families and friends, and to all those who died.” The ship has been preserved as a tomb for those who went down with the ship. Erected in USS Arizona Memorial
Your Challenge… Research and Complete the Following Activities/ Questions on a separate sheet of paper! 1.What is a kamikaze pilot? 2.What was a Japanese soldiers mindset? (Tie into question 1) 3.What were American soldiers doing on December 7 th ? 4.How did we not see this coming…. Or did we? 5.Why do some people think Pearl Harbor was a conspiracy? 6.Do you think it was a conspiracy, why or why not? 7.Who was the first person to speak to the nation, what did she say? 8.Why did FDR take so long to talk to the nation? 9.What were the outcomes of Pearl Harbor- military, war, and on home soil? 10.What is propaganda? How was it used? Create a timeline of the events December 7 th - 8 th