C ITING YOUR S OURCES - M USIC You need to cite music and images that you did not create that you use in your video. To cite music, use EasyBib ng ng Artist Last Name, Artist First Name MI. Recording Title. Band/Group Name. Producer, Year Produced. Recording Type. Note: you do not need to cite the music that comes with iMovie or your editing software; you have purchased that as part of the program.
C ITING I MAGES Use EasyBib to cite images that you use from online. Author If Known Last Name, Author First Name MI. Official Image Title If Any Exists (If not include a short description). Digital image. Website Title. Publisher/Sponsor, Day Electronically Published Month year. Web. Date Accessed May
C RITICAL I NFORMATION ( FOR E VERYONE ) Your video must be in a format that we can use on the Mac computers. If you are using iMovie, you need to 1) make sure you select “finish project” when you are done editing (this can take a long time 10+ minutes) AND 2) change the file type from.m4v to.mp4 by clicking on the file name and typing in the new file type. If you are using Windows Movie Maker or other editing software, you need to choose “Save as” or “Export” and then choose one of the following formats:.mp4,.flv,.wmv, or.mov IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, YOUR VIDEO WILL NOT PLAY.
G ENERAL V IDEO E DITING S TRATEGIES Do the video portion first, adding videos and photos, and then add the audio (including music and voiceovers after the images are in place) Use the Help videos and Help websites Remember you MUST have all required sections in your video in the order listed: College and Career Plans and Goals Interests Academic and Personal Growth Influences Final Thoughts Remember the minimum length is 5 minutes and max is 7.
W HAT TO DO FROM HERE : Watch tutorial videos, ask questions, and try to learn some video editing techniques Adding voiceovers, music, transitions, photos, video, etc. Move at your own pace. Try things out. You may need some video clips to practice with; you can import through the built-in computer camera. Open iMovie and select File/import from camera. If you already know how to do these things, your job is to be an in-class expert, helping others learn.
V IDEO E DITING For iMovie this is the overview website with multiple topics: This goes over the basics on how to create videos For Windows Movie Maker, the following link gives an introduction to the program: vista/getting-started-with-windows-movie-maker vista/getting-started-with-windows-movie-maker
H OW TO U PLOAD P HOTOS & V IDEOS FROM Y OUR C AMERA For iMovie: Choose the smaller file size for video resolution For Windows Movie Maker: video-files-pictures-and-audio-into-windows-movie-maker video-files-pictures-and-audio-into-windows-movie-maker In general, you need to connect your camera to the computer using a USB cable, or plug the memory card directly into the computer (for cameras with removable memory cards). Alternatively, you can the photos or video to yourself or save to google drive or dropbox and then access the files from there.
H OW TO A DD S TILL P HOTOS Photos provide variety to your video, so it’s not just you talking all of the time. This link shows how to add and crop photos and video clips in iMovie This link shows how to import photos for Windows Movie Maker vista/import-video-files-pictures-and-audio-into- windows-movie-maker vista/import-video-files-pictures-and-audio-into- windows-movie-maker
H OW TO A DD A V OICEOVER A voiceover is a great way of making sure that you can be heard in your video. Alternating between voiceover and videos of you speaking can give some variety to your SEP video. Here is an instructional video on how to insert a voiceover. Notice that you need to have the video clips in place before adding the voiceover. For iMovie:
H OW TO A DD B ACKGROUND M USIC Choose music that helps create a mood in your video. There are music clips in iMovie that you can choose from as well. Make sure to double-click on the music and reduce the volume so it is in the background, not taking over your video. iMovie:
A DDING T ITLES & T EXT Using titles or text can help your viewer follow your overall organization and recognize the five sections of your video. For iMovie: e7ba For WMM : us/windows-vista/add-movie-titles-and-credits-in- windows-movie-makerhttp://windows.microsoft.com/en- us/windows-vista/add-movie-titles-and-credits-in- windows-movie-maker
H OW TO ADD T RANSITIONS & USE T HEMES Transitions and themes can add a level of polish to your video. iMovie: Windows Movie Maker: vista/add-transitions-and-effects-to-pictures-and- video-in-windows-movie-maker vista/add-transitions-and-effects-to-pictures-and- video-in-windows-movie-maker
H OW TO T RIM C LIPS AND C HANGE V OLUME ON C LIPS One of the biggest problems on videos has been that the audio is too soft to hear. Sometimes you can fix this by simply turning up the volume of a particular clip. This link describes editing techniques as well as how to change the volume on clips in iMovie. e e For Windows Movie Maker: vista/work-with-clips-in-windows-movie-maker vista/work-with-clips-in-windows-movie-maker
F INISHING Y OUR P ROJECT Remember to first export or save as one of the accepted file types Here are the directions for publishing your video in Windows Movie Maker. movie-in-windows-movie-maker In iMovie, chose File and Finish Project. This can take several minutes. Change the file type to.mp4. After you’ve saved in the right format, follow the directions for uploading the video to Google Drive and submitting a link to it. Give yourself plenty of time for the video to upload.